

阅读:1552次 日期:2019/03/11

据欧洲石油3月7日消息,德国国际独立勘探和生产公司(DEA)已延长了对苏伊士湾Ras Budran和Zeit Bay油田的开采权。埃及石油和矿产资源部部长Tarek El-Molla和DEA总经理Sameh Sabry签署了新的特许权协议。新协议将租期延长五年至2022年年中。根据双方的协议,还包括可选的延长五年期限至2027年。

Sameh Sabry表示:“我很高兴我们就特许经营权的延期达成了一致。DEA在苏伊士湾的海上活跃了已达40多年。这些油田是DEA在埃及投资组合中的宝贵资产,我们可以看到这些成熟油田的上升潜力。”

Ras Budran和Zeit Bay是埃及最古老的油田之一。为了提高苏伊士湾这些油田的产量,DEA目前正在对现有油井、钻井侧线用更大容量的新管道替换现有管道的改造工作。此外,DEA正在实施一项计划,通过积极的维护和替换计划来维护资产的完整性。

Sameh Sabry表示:“来自DEA埃及和DEA国际业务的联合跨职能专家团队正在帮助我们完成合资公司苏伊士石油公司的项目。通过实施这些举措,我们不仅在进一步提高产量,而且还在可持续地提高基础设施的安全性和资产完整性,以造福环境。”他补充道:“DEA最近的活动突显出该公司对埃及石油和天然气行业的潜力充满信心。”

程张翔 编译自 欧洲石油


New investment for DEA in the Gulf of Suez

DEA has extended its concessions for the Ras Budran and Zeit Bay oil fields in the Gulf of Suez. Tarek El-Molla the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, DEA’s General Manager Sameh Sabry signed the new concession agreement. The new agreement extends the concession for five years ending mid-2022. It includes an optional extension of another five years until 2027, subject to mutual agreement.

Sameh Sabry says: “I am delighted that we managed to agree on a concession extension. DEA has been active offshore in the Gulf of Suez for more than 40 years. The fields are valuable assets in DEA’s Egyptian portfolio and we see upside potential in these mature oil fields.”

Ras Budran and Zeit Bay are among the oldest producing fields in Egypt. To increase production from these fields in the Gulf of Suez, DEA is currently carrying out a work over campaign for existing wells, drilling side tracks and replacing existing pipelines with new ones of larger capacity. Additionally, DEA is implementing a plan to maintain the assets integrity through an active maintenance and replacement program.

“Joint cross-functional expert teams from DEA Egypt and DEA’s international operations are supporting the activities of our Joint Venture company Suez Oil Company. With the implemented measures, we are not only working on further increases in production, but we are also sustainably increasing the safety and asset integrity of the infrastructure to the benefit of the environment”, says Sameh Sabry. “DEA’s recent engagement underlines the company’s confidence in the potential of Egypt’s oil and gas industry”, he adds.

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