

阅读:1695次 日期:2019/03/11

据世界能源新闻网2019年3月6日新德里报道,全球最大的液化天然气(LNG)生产商卡塔尔液化天然气公司(Qatargas)为位于印度南部城市钦奈附近的Ennore LNG接收站提供了首船用于调试这个接收终端的LNG货物。

2019年2月25日,瑞士大宗商品交易商贡沃尔公司(Gunvor)在《Golar Snow》号LNG运输船上向国有印度石油公司(IOCL)交付了供调试用的LNG货物。Qatargas把这批LNG货物以离岸价卖给了贡沃尔公司。





李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻


India's Ennore Terminal Gets Qatari LNG

Qatargas, the world’s largest LNG producer, supplied a commissioning cargo for India’s Ennore LNG receiving terminal, near the southern Indian city of Chennai.

The commissioning LNG cargo was delivered onboard the vessel ‘Golar Snow’ on 25th February 2019 by the Swiss commodity trader, Gunvor, to the state-owned Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), which owns and operates the five million tonnes per annum (MTPA) terminal. Qatargas sold the cargo Free On Board (FOB) basis to Gunvor.

Ennore will be India’s fifth operational LNG terminal and the first LNG terminal on the East Coast of India. Once fully commissioned, Ennore will provide regasified LNG to anchor customers, including Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Madras Fertilizers Limited, and Manali Petrochemicals.

Qatar has established a strong partnership with India since July 1999 when Qatargas started supplying LNG to Petronet. Since then it has delivered over 1,500 cargoes under its various long term sales and purchase agreements as well as supplying significant volumes into the short term/ spot market.

India is a key market for Qatargas given its geographical proximity and growth potential. In addition to the Ennore Terminal, terminals located at Mundra and Jaigarh are also due to be commissioned in the near future as well as a host of other gas related infrastructure projects.

These additional terminals will increase India’s capacity to import LNG from 30 MTPA to 44 MTPA – a 46 per cent increase as India continues to make strides in achieving its ambitious target of 15 per cent gas in the energy mix.

上一篇:3月8日 国内主要城市中厚板价格汇总