

阅读:1540次 日期:2019/03/11


预计供应量超过项目第一阶段每年780万吨液化天然气的预期产能。未来几个月,该公司预计将敲定初步协议,赋予它们具有约束力的法律效力。S. Taylor希望该公司能够在几个月内宣布几项交易。特别是,约旦湾液化天然气工厂的液化天然气供应可能会运往中国。

回想一下,约旦湾 LNG项目于2017年10月迁至彭比纳管道公司。彭比纳随后收购了该项目的原始运营商Veresen。该公司随后开始为约旦湾液化天然气项目寻找合作伙伴,但尚未就出售股份展开任何谈判。



曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


Jordan Cove LNG agreed to supply 11 million tons / year of LNG

Singapore, Neftegaz.RU. The project for the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) Jordan Cove LNG, implemented by the Canadian Pembina, has concluded preliminary agreements for the supply of 11 million tons / year of LNG.

The volume of expected supply exceeds the expected production capacity of the 1st stage of the project, which will amount to 7.8 million tons / year of LNG. Over the next few months, the company expects to finalize preliminary agreements, giving them binding legal force. S. Taylor expects that the company will be able to announce several deals in a couple of months. In particular, LNG supplies from the Jordan Cove LNG plant may be shipped to China.

Recall that the project Jordan Cove LNG moved to Pembina Pipeline in October 2017 Pembina then acquired Veresen, the original operator of the project, Jordan Cove LNG. The company then began searching for a partner for the Jordan Cove LNG project, but the company has not yet begun any negotiations on the sale of shares.

Jordan Cove LNG plant will be built in Kus county, Oregon on the west coast of the United States. The plant will include 5 medium power lines. The total capacity of the project is currently announced at the level of 7.8 million tons / year of LNG. Gas for liquefaction will flow through pipelines from the United States and Canada. The export LNG terminal will be located on the northern spit in the port of Kus Bay, on the territory intended for industrial development. Pembina expects the project to attract $ 10 billion in private investment. The planned launch date of the project is 2024.

However, the project has not yet received approval from the Federal Commission for the United States in the field of energy regulation (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC). The Jordan Cove LNG project is currently undergoing a second approval process. The initial application was rejected in 2016, partly due to the inability to show sufficient demand for the project. Now the situation has changed and the decision on whether to approve Jordan Cove LNG, FERC expects to accept no later than November 2019.

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