

阅读:1534次 日期:2019/03/11


七年前,当纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)的所有者在阿姆斯特丹买下一家能源交易所时,荷兰只是英国主导的几个地区市场之一。但随着该地区进口的增加和公用事业公司采用欧元合同,通过液化天然气油轮限制从俄罗斯、挪威和遥远地区的进口,这一角色发生了逆转。

随着英国脱欧限制了英国的经济活动,荷兰产权转让基金(Dutch Title Transfer Facility)的交易量正在飙升。过去4年,ICE Endex的销量增长了13倍,TTF也巩固了其作为欧洲最重要燃料中心的地位。



2012年将Endex出售给ICE的创始人,现在是咨询公司Berenschot Holding BV的能源董事总经理伯特·登·奥登表示:“这将变得更加重要,当时已经很清楚,液化天然气将变得非常重要。”

曹海斌 摘译自 彭博社


Netherlands Could Become the World's Most Important Gas Market

Intercontinental Exchange Inc. says its Dutch natural gas market has the potential to become a world beater in energy trading.

When the owner of the New York Stock Exchange bought an energy bourse in Amsterdam seven years ago, the Netherlands was just one of several regional markets dominated by the U.K. But roles reversed as the region increased imports and utilities adopted contracts in euros to peg imports from Russia, Norway and far-flung places via liquefied natural gas tankers.

And with Brexit curbing U.K. activity, trade on the Dutch Title Transfer Facility, as the market is known, is surging. Volumes have jumped 13-fold in the past four years on ICE Endex and TTF has cemented its position as Europe’s most important hub for the fuel.

But ICE, which took control of the Brent futures contract when it bought the International Petroleum Exchange in 2001, has loftier ambitions than that. The company is seeking to develop the market into a global benchmark akin to the crude marker, said Gordon Bennett, ICE’s managing director of utility markets.

And while the value of open positions on its gas market is today only about 5 percent of its Brent contract, volume is far from peaking, he says.

“It will become more important,” said Bert den Ouden, who founded the company that sold its Endex unit in 2012 to ICE and is now managing director for energy at consultant Berenschot Holding BV. “It was already clear at that point LNG would become very important.”
