

阅读:1620次 日期:2019/03/11

据普氏能源资讯2019年3月8日伦敦报道,石油化工生产商陶氏能源公司(Dow Energy)可持续发展和宣传主管凯特·杰拉蒂周五表示,该公司打算在2025年前在向欧洲客户出口的产品中提供10万吨再生塑料。






李峻 编译自 Platts


Dow aims to supply 100,000 mt of recycled plastics in products by 2025

Petrochemical producer Dow Energy is aiming to supply 100,000 mt of recycled plastics in its products to customers in Europe by 2025, the company's director of sustainability and advocacy, Kate Geraghty, said Friday.

Geraghty said the target would be challenging. It would have to involve development of both mechanical and chemical recycling technologies, and a development of value-added end markets, she said.

Dow also stressed the need to work across the value chain to design and make use of more sustainable packaging. The company has launched an initiative, PackStudio, which aims to engage with converters, suppliers, equipment manufacturers, brand owners and retailers to maximize added value for recycling and end markets.

"This initiative will change what plastics packaging will look like in Europe," Geraghty said.

A slew of chemical producers, brand-owners, supermarkets and other industry members have made pledges over the last year to progress towards a more circular economy in Europe.

Petrochemical producer Ineos earlier this year made a series of commitments to increase recycled materials in its products. It pledged to offer polyolefin products for packaging applications in Europe containing at least 50% of recycled content.

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