

阅读:1498次 日期:2019/03/11

据欧洲石油3月7日消息,液化天然气开发公司NextDecade宣布,其子公司Rio Grande LNG有限责任公司已与布朗斯维尔航海区(BND)签订了场地租赁协议。



NextDecade总裁兼首席执行官Matt Schatzman表示:“我们很高兴与布朗斯维尔航海区正式签署了租赁协议,并感谢Reed董事长和BND委员会的不断支持。随着我们继续推进Rio Grande LNG项目,我们期待着为Rio Grande河谷的当地工人和社区创造更多的就业机会。”

目前,作为德克萨斯州最大的私人投资项目之一,Rio Grande LNG公司及其相关的Rio Bravo管道项目可能会为卡梅伦县带来150多亿美元的投资。拟议中的设施和管道预计将创造5000多个就业岗位。此外,Rio Grande LNG的出口可以显著改善美国的贸易平衡,并通过提供可靠、清洁的天然气来帮助世界各地的主要盟友。

程张翔 编译自 欧洲石油


NextDecade Executes Site Lease for Rio Grande LNG Project in Brownsville

NextDecade Corporation announced that Rio Grande LNG, LLC, a NextDecade subsidiary, has entered into a lease agreement with the Brownsville Navigation District (BND).

The lease agreement, which covers an approximately 984-acre parcel of land in Cameron County, Texas, carries an initial term of thirty years, with two options to renew and extend the term of the lease for periods of ten years each.

On the site in the Port of Brownsville, NextDecade plans to construct, operate, and maintain a large-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal, including gas treatment, liquefaction, and other supporting facilities and infrastructure.

“We are pleased to have formally executed our lease agreement with the Brownsville Navigation District, and appreciate the ongoing support of Chairman Reed and the BND Commission,” said Matt Schatzman, NextDecade’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “As we continue to advance our Rio Grande LNG project, we look forward to creating opportunities for local workers and communities across the Rio Grande Valley.”

Currently one of the largest proposed private investments in the State of Texas, Rio Grande LNG and its associated Rio Bravo Pipeline could result in more than $15 billion of investment in Cameron County. The proposed facility and pipelines are expected to create more than 5,000 jobs. Additionally, exports from Rio Grande LNG could significantly improve the U.S. balance of trade and support key allies around the world by providing access to reliable, clean natural gas.
