

阅读:1546次 日期:2019/03/11

据Rigzone 3月8日报道,美国达纳天然气公司(Dana Gas)周五报道称,该公司已将埃及地中海盆地深水钻井服务的一份短期勘探合同授予了一家合资公司(JV),该公司由ADES国际控股公司和Vantage 国际钻井公司组成。


“我们非常高兴与达纳天然气公司达成了我们在地中海地区的第一份合同,在该合同中,我们将继续为客户提供高质量的服务。”ADES首席执行官Mohamed Farouk在通过电子邮件发给Rigzone的书面声明中表示。“这份合同完全符合我们的做法,因为我们继续看到合资企业和我们的合作伙伴Vantage在埃及超深水市场的优质资产具有诱人的长期前景。”

根据Vantage网站上的钻井规范,这款悬挂巴哈马国旗的钨矿探测船建于2013年,最多可容纳200人。该网站称,这艘钻井船装备齐全,可以在1万英尺(3048米) 深的水中作业,可以在4万英尺(12192米)的深度钻井。

孔丽炜 摘译自Rigzone


Deepwater Egypt Contract Goes to ADES-Vantage JV

Dana Gas has awarded a short-term exploration contract for deepwater drilling services in the Egyptian Mediterranean basin to a joint venture (JV) between a unit of ADES International Holding PLC and Vantage Drilling International, ADES reported Friday.

The estimated 77-day contract calls for one firm well using Vantage’s Tungsten Explorer drillship and includes an extension option to an additional three wells, noted ADES, which is participating in the contract via its ADVantage JV with Vantage. ADES added that the contract will operate on a profit-sharing basis.

“We are extremely pleased to have secured our first contract in the Mediterranean with Dana Gas, where we will build on our track record of consistently delivering a high-quality service to our clients,” Mohamed Farouk, ADES’ CEO, said in a written statement emailed to Rigzone. “This contract is fully consistent with our approach, as we continue to see attractive long-term prospects for the JV and our partner Vantage’s high-quality assets in the ultra-deepwater Egyptian market.”

According to drillship specifications on Vantage’s website, the Bahamas-flagged Tungsten Explorer was built in 2013 and can accommodate up to 200 people. Outfitted to operate in up to 10,000 feet (3,048) of water, the drillship can drill wells at depths up to 40,000 feet (12,192 meters), the website states.
