

阅读:1543次 日期:2019/03/19

据普氏能源资讯3月18日消息 澳大利亚伍德赛德公司发言人周一表示,该公司位于澳大利亚西部的西北大陆架液化天然气出口设施在上周短暂停产后,已全面恢复生产。



根据普氏分析的数据,西北大陆架和Pluto LNG本月迄今为止已发运了15艘液化天然气船,而2月份和1月份分别为24艘和27艘。

由于温和的春季需求和供过于求的担忧,停电的消息未能改变市场的看跌情绪。 普氏在3月15日对JKM的评估为5.45美元/ MMBtu,比1月2日的第一次评估下降了3.45美元/ MMBtu。

伍德赛德预计到2020年,其年产600万吨Pluto LNG的扩建项目将获得最终投资决定,该项目将与Scarborough的上游开发项目相连接,预计将于2025年开始运营。



Australia's Woodside resumes full production at North West Shelf LNG

Australia's Woodside has resumed full production at its 16.3 million mt/year North West Shelf LNG export facility in Western Australia, following a brief outage last week, a company spokesperson said Monday.

"Production resumed last week at NWS LNG Trains 1 and 4 after brief outages. There is no impact on production guidance." the spokesperson said.

Market sources told S&P Global Platts that both trains resumed production in the middle of last week. The trains had been affected by a gas leak and compressor issues, according to two sources.

Northwest Shelf and Pluto LNG have shipped 15 cargoes so far this month, compared to 24 cargoes in February and 27 shipments in January , according to Platts Analytics.

News of the outage failed to change the bearish sentiment in the market, amid tepid spring demand and oversupply concerns. Platts assessed the JKM at $5.45/MMBtu on March 15, down $3.45/MMBtu from its first assessment of the year on January 2.

Woodside anticipates a final investment decision on its 6 million mt/year Pluto LNG expansion project -- which will be connected to its Scarborough upstream development -- by 2020, with operations expected to start by 2025.

The company is also developing the Browse Basin in Western Australia, for 10 million mt/year LNG production capacity that is expected to backfill the North West Shelf project.
