

阅读:1473次 日期:2019/03/19

据今日油价网站3月15日消息 加拿大联邦政府正在为艾伯塔省石油和天然气行业的三个清洁技术项目提供资金,将资源分配给两家公司,以帮助他们进行研发,以控制运营中的排放。

周四,加拿大自然资源部部长Amarjeet Sohi宣布,加拿大自然资源有限公司和Titanium Corporation公司向艾伯塔公司投资总额为5420万美元(约合7230万加元),用于减少油砂作业排放项目。

联邦政府将资助两个加拿大自然资源项目。第一个项目是开发一种矿坑内开采工艺,将油砂矿石在水平油砂矿区分离为固体、沥青和水,从而减少柴油卡车的数量和所需的电力。对加拿大自然资源的另一项资助是一项新的蒸汽涡轮发电机技术,该技术将有助于在减少排放的同时为其阿萨巴斯卡油砂项目(Athabasca Oil Sands Project)的设施发电。Titanium Corporation将获得加拿大自然资源Horizon油砂厂用于修复油砂尾矿的技术资金。

加拿大自然资源总裁Tim McKay在一份声明中说:“加拿大自然资源以及加拿大石油和天然气部门认识到有必要降低温室气体排放强度,我们已经能够利用技术和加拿大的独创性来取得重大成果。”




CAPP总裁兼首席执行官Tim McMillan指出:“全球能源需求正在增长,然而,加拿大正在输掉争夺海外高增长市场份额的竞争。如果没有新的管道,加拿大的石油和天然气行业就无法在全球市场上占有一席之地。”

王磊 摘译自 今日油价


Canada Funds Clean Technology In Alberta’s Oil Sands

Canada’s federal government is funding three clean technology projects in Alberta’s oil and gas industry, allocating resources to two companies to help them develop processes to curb emissions at their operations.

On Thursday, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources Amarjeet Sohi announcedfederal investments of a total of US$54.2 million (C$72.3 million) to Alberta companies Canadian Natural Resources Limited and Titanium Corporation Inc for projects designed to reduce the emissions from oil sands operations.

The federal government will fund two projects of Canadian Natural Resources. The first project is for developing an in-pit extraction process that separates oil sands ore into solids, bitumen, and water at the Horizon Oil Sands mine site, thus reducing the number of diesel trucks and the amount of power needed. The other funding to Canadian Natural Resources is for a new steam turbine generator technology that will help produce power for its facilities at the Athabasca Oil Sands Project while reducing emissions. Titanium Corporation will get funding for technology designed to remediate oil sands tailings at Canadian Natural’s Horizon Oil Sands site.

“Canadian Natural, and Canada’s oil and natural gas sector, recognize the need to reduce GHG emission intensities, and we have been able to leverage technology and Canadian ingenuity to deliver significant results,” Canadian Natural’s President Tim McKay said in a statement.

While the federal government is funding clean technology at Alberta’s oil sands, Alberta and its oil producers continue their fight for improved market access for their product—new pipelines that would increase the takeaway capacity of Alberta’s oil.

Also on Thursday, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) said in a new report that Canada’s abundance of natural resources can help the country to achieve “significant domestic and global benefits: if we resolve current market access challenges.”

The shortage of oil pipelines and liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure “are crippling our ability to compete for global market share,” CAPP said.

“Global energy demand is growing,” CAPP president and CEO Tim McMillan said. “However, Canada is losing the race to claim a piece of the high-growth market overseas. Without new pipelines, Canada’s oil and natural gas industry can’t compete for a share of the global market,” McMillan noted.
