首页>资讯>石油石化>Gran Tierra Energy获得三个厄瓜多尔区块

Gran Tierra Energy获得三个厄瓜多尔区块

阅读:1513次 日期:2019/03/19

据石油和天然气杂志3月13日消息,卡尔加里Gran Tierra能源公司宣布,它在厄瓜多尔的Orientie盆地获得了三个区块,标志着该公司进入厄瓜多尔,等待监管部门的批准和参与合同的最终确定。

Gran Tierra竞标了三个区块,占地14万英亩,从Gran Tierra在哥伦比亚Putumayo盆地的资产中创建了一个连续的土地位置。

厄瓜多尔区块将巩固Gran Tierra在传统石油航道上的地位。厄瓜多尔的纳波组被认为相当于普图马约盆地的维利塔组。这两组地层在同一碳酸盐岩和砂岩储层中均具有多带潜力。

一旦最终确定,Gran Tierra预计将拥有Charapa区块、Chanangue区块和Iguana区块100%的工作权益和经营权,这将使Gran Tierra在厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚传统资源领域的总占地面积超过130万英亩。

Gran Tierra的中标方案包括按区块划分的工作计划投标,包括在4年内在区块内钻探14口探井的计划。该公司的收入份额与东方石油的混合油价格和产量有关。

厄瓜多尔勘探钻探计划于2020年进行,预计不会改变Gran Tierra此前发布的2019年指导方针。通过查拉帕地块,Gran Tierra在b -石灰岩开发趋势中确立了一个已探明的位置。查拉帕油田从B型石灰岩中开采石油已有17年的历史。此前,Gran Tierra以1.042亿美元收购了哥伦比亚Putumayo盆地和Llanos盆地的资产。

尹路 编译自 石油和天然气杂志


Gran Tierra Energy obtains three Ecuador blocks

Gran Tierra Energy Inc., Calgary, announced it obtained three blocks in Ecuador’s Orientie basin, marking the firm’s entry into Ecuador, pending regulatory approvals and finalization of participation contracts.

Gran Tierra bid for three blocks covering 140,000 acres, creating a contiguous acreage position extending from Gran Tierra’s assets in Colombia’s Putumayo basin.

The Ecuador blocks will consolidate Gran Tierra’s position in a conventional oil fairway. Ecuador’s Napo formation is believed equivalent to the Villeta formation in Putumayo basin. Both formations are believed to contain multizone potential in the same carbonate and sandstone reservoirs.

Once finalized, Gran Tierra is expected to hold 100% working interest and operatorship in Charapa block, Chanangue block, and Iguana block, which increases Gran Tierra’s gross acreage in the conventional resource plays in Ecuador and Colombia to more than 1.3 million acres.

Gran Tierra’s winning bids consisted of a work program bid by block, including plans to drill 14 exploration wells in 4 years across the blocks. The company’s share of revenues is tied to the Oriente oil blend price and to production volumes.

Ecuador exploration drilling is scheduled for 2020 with no anticipated changes to Gran Tierra’s previously issued 2019 guidance. Through the Charapa Block, Gran Tierra establishes a proven position in the B-Limestone play trend. Charapa field has produced oil from B limestone for 17 years. Previously, Gran Tierra bought assets in Colombia’s Putumayo and Llanos basins for $104.2 million.
