

阅读:1480次 日期:2019/03/19

据今日原油价格3月15日消息,IHS Markit海运与贸易部门的首席分析师Fotios Katsoulas周五表示,英国2月原油日产量连续第三个月低于80万桶,当局预计英国原油产量至少将持续下降至2024年。

另一方面,据IHS Markit的分析师称,英国流向西北欧和地中海的原油流量大幅下降,为中国提供了更多的空间。

另据IHS Markit的分析师称,另一方面,流入欧洲西北部和地中海的英国原油价格大幅下跌,为中国提供了更多空间。


英国石油和天然气管理局(oil and Gas Authority)在一份新报告中表示,英国今年的原油日产量将从去年的98万桶下降至94万桶,并补充称,未来5年产量也将继续下降,2024年将降至76万桶。

尹路 编译自 今日原油价格


UK Crude Oil Loadings Continue To Drop

The UK’s crude oil loadings remained below 800,000 bpd for the third month in a row in February, while authorities expect Britain’s crude oil production to decline through at least 2024, Fotios Katsoulas, Liquid Bulk Principal Analyst, Maritime & Trade at IHS Markit, said on Friday.

In February, the Far East was among the top destinations for UK crude oil, with UK crude flows significantly rising to 265,000 bpd, up from 139,000 bpd in January, Katsoulas said.

UK crude flows to northwest Europe and the Mediterranean, on the other hand, dropped significantly, providing more space for China, according to IHS Markit’s analyst.

The UK faces two major headwinds for its crude oil production—the continued uncertainty around Brexit (and the possibility of a really disorderly one), and a trend of declining oil production through 2024.

Crude oil production in the UK will decline this year to 940,000 bpd from last year’s 980,000 bpd, the Oil and Gas Authority said in a new report, adding that output would continue to decline in the next five years as well, reaching 760,000 bpd in 2024.
