

阅读:1474次 日期:2019/03/19





行业咨询公司Inspired Energy Plc董事尼克?坎贝尔在电子邮件中表示:“埃及从LNG进口国转变为著名LNG出口国的速度和规模可能会进一步放开本已张大的供需平衡。由于欧洲和远东地区的冬天变暖,这将恶化需求较低的环境,导致库存水平相当饱和。”


李峻 编译自 彭博社


Egypt returns to LNG exports club seeking to sell cargoes

Egypt indicated it’s ready to rejoin the club of major exporters of liquefied natural gas, making its biggest offer to supply the market in at least five years.

The state gas company EGAS tendered to sell four cargoes of LNG for loading in April, people with direct knowledge of the matter said. The bids are due on Monday and valid until March 25, according to the people, who asked not to be named because details of the process are confidential. The company is also marketing four cargoes for loading in May and three for June, people said.

For Egypt, the tender marks a revitalizing of its gas industry, where sagging domestic production forced it to halt most exports of LNG in 2014. The North African nation has regained self-sufficiency with the help of major discoveries including the giant Zohr gas field. LNG is exported from the Damietta and Idku plants, which were largely left idle five years ago.

Extra supplies from Egypt would hit a market already battling with the lowest spot prices for the super-chilled fuel since July 2017 following a mild winter that curbed demand across Europe and Asia. The U.S., Russia and Australia all are contributing to a glut, starting new plants to export the fuel and build market share.

“The speed and scale of which Egypt has turned from importer to notable exporter is likely to further loosen the already wide supply/demand balance,” Nick Campbell, a director at industry consultant Inspired Energy Plc, said by email. That will exacerbate “the lower demand environment with warmer winters in Europe and Far East leaving storage levels relatively full.”

Egypt became a major consumer of the fuel in 2015, using its regasification and import units to take in cargoes. Purchases that once were as large as 120 cargoes a year stopped in 2018 as flows increased from the Zohr field, setting the stage for a resumption of exports.
