首页>资讯>石油石化>欧洲天然气价格走低 促使美国LNG利用率下降

欧洲天然气价格走低 促使美国LNG利用率下降

阅读:1384次 日期:2019/03/25

据Oil & Gas Journal网站3月21日休斯顿报道 欧洲大陆天然气价格目前已降至约5美元/百万英热单位,较9月底的峰值下跌50%。由于气候变暖、大量的液化天然气进口以及活跃的可再生能源,导致供需减少。



“我们注意到,2016年当全球天然气价格也很低时,美国和全球的液化天然气产量都有所下降。而目前美国Sabine Pass的液化天然气出口似乎没有下降,但我们也注意到,Sabine Pass的仓库现在已满(根据普氏能源的数据),包括停泊船只提供的容量。”



吴恒磊 编译自 Oil & Gas Journal


Morgan Stanley: Low European gas prices to prompt US LNG utilization cuts

European mainland gas prices have fallen now to about $5/MMbtu, a 50% decline from late September peaks. The loss in supply-demand is due to warmer weather, large LNG imports, and more active renewables.

Morgan Stanley argues that poor pricing conditions are likely to prompt US LNG utilization rate cuts.

According to Morgan Stanley, current European gas prices are more than $2/MMbtu below long-run marginal cost of US LNG and just shy of US LNG short-run marginal costs. The Asian market is sending similar signals.

“We noticed that in 2016, when global gas prices were also low, LNG output declined both locally in the US as well as globally. We noted that there seems to be no decline in LNG exports from Sabine Pass in the US. But we also noticed that storages at Sabine Pass are now full (according to Platts) including capacity offered by berthed vessels.”

As a share of LNG imports into Europe, US supplies increased 10 times year-over-year in January-February. In the global text, US LNG is rapidly expanding from 0% in 2015 to 11% in 2019. Also, of all the new LNG plants expected in 2019, about 45% are in the US, according to data from Wood Mackenzie.

Meantime, in January-February, LNG imports from Russia (Yamal LNG) rose even quicker year-over-year than US LNG. Competitive European prices (vs. Asia) and an early project completion leading to a large share of spot sales explain this.
