

阅读:1396次 日期:2019/03/25


阿联酋国务部长兼ADNOC集团首席执行官Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士和OMV执行董事会主席兼首席执行官Rainer Seele博士签署了OMV协议(共识备忘录)。Al Jaber博士还与和Borealis首席执行官Alfred Stern签署了Borealis协议。


在第二份协议中,ADNOC和OMV将联合开发OMV在Ruwais综合体ReOil的技术潜力,Ruwais综合体是ADNOC在阿布扎比Al Dhafra地区的炼油和石化综合中心。OMV公司的ReOil回收工艺是从废旧塑料中生产合成原油。

此外,ADNOC和Borealis还将签署第三份协议,共同探索聚烯烃一体化产业在关键地理市场中的潜在增长机会。他们将合作发展自己的实力,在过去的20年里,他们成功地促进了 Borouge的发展,通过价值创造和创新来支持关键市场客户的增长。

Al Jaber博士表示:“与OMV签订的协议建立并进一步加强了我们在整个油气价值链上的长期伙伴关系。OMV带来了世界级的专业知识和先进技术,将使我们在加快落实2030年智慧增长战略的同时,进一步扩大原油价值,并从全球石化需求增长中获得更大的回报。这是我们拓展ADNOC下游产业并将Ruwais综合体打造成全球炼油和石化中心的又一块基石。”

程张翔 编译自 石油和天然气管道新闻


ADNOC to explore downstream partnerships with OMV and Borealis

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) signed agreements with Austria’s OMV and petrochemical company Borealis to explore new downstream sector partnerships.

The agreements (Memorandums of Understanding) with OMV were signed by His Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and ADNOC Group CEO, and Dr. Rainer Seele, Chairman of the OMV Executive Board and CEO. The agreement with Borealis was signed by H.E. Dr. Al Jaber and Alfred Stern, Borealis CEO.

Under the terms of the first MoU, ADNOC and OMV will evaluate new opportunities in petrochemical projects as a potential extension to their existing partnerships, and exchange knowledge and experience in refinery-petrochemical integration and optimisation. The two companies will also assess opportunities for petrochemicals marketing support, ADNOC said in a statement.

A second MoU will see ADNOC and OMV jointly explore the potential of OMV’s ReOil technology in Ruwais, ADNOC’s integrated refining and petrochemicals hub in the Al Dhafra region of Abu Dhabi. OMV’s ReOil recycling process produces synthetic crude oil from used plastics.

Additionally, a third MoU will see ADNOC and Borealis jointly explore potential growth opportunities within the integrated polyolefin industry in key geographical markets. They will partner to build on their strength which has successfully contributed to the growth of Borouge over the last 20 years to support the growth of customers in key markets through value creation and innovation.

H.E. Dr. Al Jaber said: “The agreements with OMV build on, and further strengthen, our long-term partnership across the full oil and gas value chain. OMV brings world-class expertise and advanced technology that will enable us to further stretch the value of our crude and secure greater returns from the global growth in demand for petrochemicals as we accelerate delivery of our 2030 smart growth strategy. This is yet another stepping stone in our journey to grow ADNOC’s downstream portfolio and establish Ruwais as a global refining and petrochemicals hub.”
