首页>资讯>石油石化>美原油库存8个月最大降幅 油价连续三周上涨

美原油库存8个月最大降幅 油价连续三周上涨

阅读:1550次 日期:2019/03/26




Kiwoom Securities Co.大宗商品分析师Ahn Yea Ha在首尔接受电话采访时表示:“美国原油库存的大量减少表明需求状况良好,这支撑了本周的价格。"“但更重要的是,欧佩克继续限制产量的承诺正在发挥作用,预计油价目前将保持在每桶60美元附近。”



孔丽炜 摘译自彭博社


Oil Set for Third Weekly Gain

Oil’s poised for a third weekly advance, buoyed by the biggest drop in American crude stockpiles since July at a time when the OPEC+ coalition is pressing on with its output curbs.

Futures were little changed in New York, after climbing above $60 a barrel on Wednesday for the first time since November. U.S. government data showed an unexpected 9.59 million-barrel withdrawal in nationwide inventories last week. OPEC and its allies earlier this week reaffirmed an intent to continue their supply cuts until at least June, when they’ll meet to discuss prolonging the efforts to avoid a global glut.

Crude’s holding on to its rally after hitting a new high for the year this week. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies continued to show their commitment to bring the market into balance.

“The big withdrawal of U.S. crude stockpiles indicates that demand is healthy, which has kept prices buoyed this week,” Ahn Yea Ha, a commodities analyst at Kiwoom Securities Co., said by phone from Seoul. “But more importantly, OPEC’s continued commitment to cap production is working and prices are expected to stay near $60 a barrel for the time being.”

West Texas Intermediate for May delivery was at $59.97 a barrel, down 1 cent, on the New York Mercantile Exchange [calendarclick]at 7:21 a.m. in London. Prices are up 2.5 percent this week after gaining 4.9 percent in the previous two weeks.

Brent for May settlement traded 4 cents higher at $67.90 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. It lost 0.9 percent on Thursday, dropping for the first time in four days. Prices are up 1.1 percent this week. The global benchmark crude was at a premium of $7.91 to WTI.

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