

阅读:1647次 日期:2019/03/28

据管道新闻网伦敦巴黎和休斯顿3月25日消息称,德希尼布福默诗公司已被挪威国家石油公司Equinor授予一份重要的海底合同,用于Johan Sverdrup二期开发项目,该项目位于北海的挪威区域,水深120米。


在挪威国家石油公司之前的里程碑式项目中,管道铺设船Saipem Castorone完成了从Mongstad码头到北海Johan Sverdrup油田283公里、36英寸(915毫米)直径的石油管道。该船目前正准备铺设一条156公里长的天然气管道,从Johan Sverdrup气田到Statpipe的管道。

该合同是Johan Sverdrup70%以上授予挪威供应商的合同的一部分。


曹海斌 摘译自 管道新闻网


TechnipFMC Awarded Significant Johan Sverdrup Subsea Contract

TechnipFMC has been awarded a significant Subsea contract by Equinor for the Johan Sverdrup Phase 2 development, located in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea at a water depth of 120 meters.

The $75–250 million contract covers the delivery and installation of the subsea production system including integrated template structures, manifolds, tie-in and controls equipment. The work scope comprises the development of the systems 5 templates and a total of 18 Christmas trees with associated components.

The development continues from Equinor’s previous milestone, in which pipelaying vessel Saipem Castorone completed a 283 km, 36 inch (915 mm) diameter oil pipeline from the Mongstad terminal to the Johan Sverdrup field in the North Sea. The vessel is now preparing to lay a 156 km gas pipeline from the Johan Sverdrup field to the Statpipe Pipeline.

This contract is part of the more than 70 percent of Johan Sverdrup contracts awarded to Norwegian suppliers.

Subject to relevant approvals, plans currently call for work to start November this year with phase two production targeted for the end of 2022.
