

阅读:1541次 日期:2019/03/29

据普氏能源资讯悉尼3月27日消息 Pilbara港务局周三表示,西澳大利亚阿什伯顿和丹皮尔的液化天然气出口港在上周的热带气旋被迫关闭之后重新开放。

根据普氏船舶跟踪软件cFlow的数据,美国液化天然气运输公司Woodside Rodgers周三从Pluto LNG工厂装载了一批货物,这是3月20日以来从丹皮尔装载的第一批货物。


丹皮尔港从伍德赛德牵头的西北大陆架和Pluto LNG工厂进口液化天然气,这两家工厂的液化天然气出口能力加起来接近2200万吨/年,出口量主要与东北亚买家签约。

阿什伯顿港口为雪佛龙运营的年产890万吨的Wheatstone LNG项目运输液化天然气,伍德赛德拥有该项目13%的权益。

吴慧丹 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Western Australia's Dampier, Ashburton LNG ports reopen after 5-day shutdown

Western Australia's LNG exporting ports of Ashburton and Dampier have reopened after a tropical cyclone forced their closure last week, the Pilbara Ports Authority said Wednesday.

The LNG carrier Woodside Rodgers was loading a cargo from the Pluto LNG plant Wednesday, the first loading from Dampier since March 20, according to S&P Global Platts ship tracking software, cFlow.

The Port of Dampier was reopened at 06:00 am Australian Western standard time on Wednesday, after being closed for a total of 132 hours, the port authority said, while the Port of Ashburton reopened at 15:00 AWST on Tuesday after being closed for 109.5 hours.

The Port of Dampier ships LNG from the Woodside-led North West Shelf and Pluto LNG plants, which have a combined LNG export capacity of nearly 22 million mt/year, with volumes largely contracted with buyers in Northeast Asia.

The Port of Ashburton ships LNG for the Chevron-run 8.9 million mt/year Wheatstone LNG project, in which Woodside has a 13% interest.
