

阅读:1432次 日期:2019/05/27

据路透社5月24日TIRANA报道,壳牌(Shell)上游阿尔巴尼亚B.V.公司上周五表示,初步测试显示,其位于阿尔巴尼亚中部的Shpirag 4油井的“日产油量可达数千桶”,需要进行更多工作来确定其商业产量。

“我们很高兴这些初步测试证实了这一发现的潜力,并期待着在阿尔巴尼亚拓展我们的业务,”壳牌勘探业务执行副总裁马克?盖瑞特(Marc Gerrits)表示。

该公司补充称,贝拉特以西的Shpirag 4井证实了大量轻质油发现的流动潜力。

壳牌阿尔巴尼亚表示,在与意大利大型Val d'Agri和Tempa Rossa油田同等的地质条件下,需要更多的评估工作来评估Shpirag的商业产量。

该公司计划对Shpirag 4井进行扩展生产测试,并进行更多的钻探,以评估Shpirag 3井,同时探索其他井以测试其潜力。

李方征 编译自 路透社


Shell sees significant oil discovery in Albania

Shell Upstream Albania B.V. said on Friday initial tests showed “a flow potential of several thousand barrels of oil per day” from its Shpirag 4 well in central Albania, and it needed more work to determine its commercial volume.

“We are pleased that these initial tests have confirmed the potential of this discovery and look forward to growing our business in Albania,” Marc Gerrits, Shell’s Executive Vice-President of Exploration, said.

The Shpirag 4 well west of Berat had confirmed the flow potential of a significant light oil discovery, it added.

More appraisal work was needed to assess commercial volumes in Shpirag, in an equivalent geological setting to the large Val D’Agri and Tempa Rossa fields in Italy, Shell Albania said.

It plans to go ahead with extended production tests on the Shpirag 4 well and more drills to appraise the Shpirag 3 well, while exploring others to test their potential.

