首页>资讯>产地快讯>Winterward DEA把挪威海二维采集合同授予Seabird

Winterward DEA把挪威海二维采集合同授予Seabird

阅读:1447次 日期:2019/05/27

据Offshore Energy 网站5月24日报道,Winterward DEA把挪威海二维采集的合同授予挪威地震勘探seabird公司。

Seabird 周四表示,这项调查预计为期一个月,将于今年第三季度开始。

Seabird 没有透露与Winterward DEA的合同的任何细节。

在相关新闻中,Winterward DEA最近将合同授予两家Solstad海上平台供应商,以支持其在West Mira的钻井作业。该钻井平台将在挪威大陆架的Winterward DEA油田(包括Vega、nova和Maria油田)进行生产钻探和勘探钻探。

另一方面,Seabird 通过购买Boa Galatea和Boa Thalassa船只,促使其快速勘探的计划取得进展。

郝芬 译自 Offshore Energy


SeaBird in new 2D survey for Wintershall Dea

Norwegian seismic player SeaBird Exploration has been awarded a contract by Wintershall Dea for 2D acquisition in the Norwegian Sea.

SeaBird said on Thursday that the survey has an expected duration of one month. It will start in the third quarter of this year.

SeaBird has not revealed any other details about its contract with Wintershall Dea.

In related news, Wintershall Dea recently awarded contracts to two Solstad Offshore-owned platform suppliers in support of its West Mira rig drilling campaign. The rig will perform production drilling on Wintershall Dea’s fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, including Vega, Nova and Maria fields, as well as exploration drilling.

SeaBird, on the other hand, is making progress with its own fleet expansion plan through the acquisition of the Boa Galatea and Boa Thalassa vessels.


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