首页>资讯>产地快讯>Magnolia LNG从路易斯安那州获得免税奖励

Magnolia LNG从路易斯安那州获得免税奖励

阅读:1392次 日期:2019/05/27

据世界天然气网站5月24日报道,位于美国珀斯的液化天然气有限公司已获得路易斯安那州Magnolia LNG项目的工业免税计划(ITEP)奖励。



Magnolia有资格获得43.5亿美元项目的部分建筑材料、机械设备和劳动力成本的财产税优惠。Magnolia LNG将为路易斯安那州创造1500个建筑岗位和200个永久性直接岗位。


Magnolia LNG液化天然气项目拟建设和运营至多4条液化生产列车,每条列车的产能为220万吨/日或更高。


李方征 编译自 世界天然气


Magnolia LNG gets tax exemption incentive from Louisiana

Perth-based LNG Limited has received an Industrial Tax Exemption Program (ITEP) incentive for the Magnolia LNG project from the State of Louisiana.

LNG Limited said that the ITEP was awarded following the approval from the Louisiana Board of Commerce and Industry, local governments, and Governor of Louisiana.

The ITEP program is designed to offer a tax incentive for manufacturers who make a commitment to jobs and payroll in Louisiana.

Magnolia was eligible for the property tax incentive for a portion of the building and materials, machinery and equipment, and labor costs of a $4.35 billion project. Magnolia LNG will generate 1,500 construction jobs and 200 permanent direct positions for Louisiana.

According to the company, the savings from this exemption improve Magnolia’s competitiveness in the global LNG market and provide a boost towards a final investment approval.

The Magnolia LNG project proposes to construct and operate up to four liquefaction production trains, each with a capacity of 2.2 mtpa or greater.

Construction and operation include two 160,000-cbm full containment storage tanks, ship, barge, and truck loading facilities, and supporting infrastructure.


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