首页>资讯>产地快讯>BP将埃及一家石油公司股份售予Dragon Oil

BP将埃及一家石油公司股份售予Dragon Oil

阅读:1407次 日期:2019/05/27

据哈特能源5月23日消息,英国石油公司(BP)正接近以逾6亿美元的价格,将其在埃及一家主要油气公司的股权出售给总部位于迪拜的Dragon oil公司。


迪拜阿联酋国家石油公司的子公司Dragon Oil表示将计划扩大国际业务,到2025年将日产量提高至30万桶石油当量。


程张翔 编译自 石油和天然气管道新闻


BP Nears Sale Of Stake In Egyptian Oil Firm To Dragon Oil

BP is nearing the sale of its stake in a major Egyptian oil and gas company to Dubai-based Dragon Oil for over $600 million.

The sale, which is expected to complete in the coming weeks, would mark the end of BP’s 50-year-old partnership in the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Co. (GUPCO) as the London-based company focuses on developing Egypt’s large offshore gas reserves.

Dragon Oil, a subsidiary of Dubai's Emirates National Oil Co. (ENOC), has said it plans to expand its international operations and boost its production to 300,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) by 2025.

GUPCO produces over 70,000 bbl/d of oil and 400 million cubic feet per day(MMcf/d) of gas.

