

阅读:1373次 日期:2019/05/27

据Oil & Gas Journal网站5月24日休斯顿报道 根据贝克休斯的数据,加拿大在截至5月24日的一周内增加了15台钻机,至78台,这一数字略低于一年前这一周的81台。加拿大石油导向钻机数量增加了16台,至38台。天然气导向钻机数量下降1台,至40台。







王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal


Baker Hughes: Canada adds 15 rigs for the week

Canada has added 15 rigs for the week ended May 24, according to Baker Hughes data. With 78 rigs running, the count is slightly less than the 81 units drilling this week a year ago. The number of oil-directed rigs in Canada increased by 16, bringing the count to 38 rigs for the week. Gas-directed rigs were down a single unit to 40.

The US drilling rig count, meanwhile, fell 4 units to 983 rigs working for the week. The count is down 76 units from the 1,059 rigs working this time a year ago.

At 957 rigs working, 4 fewer units were drilling on land week-over-week. The number of offshore units remained unchanged at 22 units for the week. The number of rigs drilling in inland waters remained unchanged at 4 rigs working for the week.

US oil-directed rigs dropped 5 units from last week to 797 units working, down from the 859 rigs drilling for oil this week a year ago. Gas-directed rigs were up a single unit to 186, but down from the 198 units drilling for gas a year ago.

Among the major oil and gas-producing states, California saw the largest increase in rigs with a 3-unit gain to reach 18. North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia each saw a single-unit increase to reach 57, 41, and 21 rigs running, respectively.

Four states were unchanged this week: Oklahoma, 103; Louisiana, 63; Alaska, 7; and Arkansas, 0.

With 4 fewer units drilling week over week, New Mexico saw the largest decrease in rigs to reach 99. Colorado’s rig count fell by 2 units to 31. Four states saw a single-unit drop for the week: Texas, 481; Wyoming, 32; Ohio, 19; and Utah, 6.

