

阅读:1473次 日期:2019/05/28





在2019年3月,V. Alekperov报告说,卢克石油公司和道达尔公司正在考虑在伊拉克西古尔纳-2项目上建立一个天然气化学领域的联合项目。目前,一份备忘录已经签署,但该项目的细节还在讨论中。

曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


LUKOIL until 2035 may invest in projects in Iraq, $ 45 billion

Baghdad, Neftegaz.RU. LUKOIL until 2035 may invest about $ 45 billion in oil projects in Iraq.

LUKOIL's investments in this area have already amounted to about $ 8 billion, and by agreement until 2035 it can be about $ 45 billion.

In the Middle East, Iraq has become the center of LUKOIL’s strategic policy to increase production abroad. Iraq is one of the most promising regions in the world for increasing oil production due to the huge reserves of traditional hydrocarbons. In 2014, LUKOIL began industrial oil production at the West Qurna-2 oil field in the south of the country. This is one of the largest deposits in the world. West Qurna-2, located in the south of Iraq, 65 km north-west of the major port city of Basra. On March 29, 2014, commercial oil production was started at the field.

LUKOIL also participates in a project for exploration in Block 10. Block 10 with an area of 5.8 thousand km2 is located in the provinces of Di-Kar and Mutanna in southern Iraq, 10 km south-west of Nasiriyah, 150 km west of Basra, 120 km from the West Qurna-2 field. The right to conduct exploration and subsequent development of Block 10 LUKOIL in a consortium with Japanese Inpex received in May 2012 based on the results of the 4th licensing round. The contract for Block 10 was signed in November 2012, and in December has already entered into force. LUKOIL is the operator of the project with a share of 60%, another 40% of the Japanese Inpex. In March 2019, LUKOIL completed testing of the 5th appraisal well at the Eridu field in Block 10.

In March 2019, V. Alekperov reported that LUKOIL and Total are considering a joint project in the field of gas chemistry in Iraq, on the West Qurna-2 project. At the moment, a memorandum has already been signed, but the details of the project are only being discussed.

