

阅读:1073次 日期:2019/05/28

据油气新闻网站5月25日阿布扎比报道 阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)的一位高级官员称,ADNOC在从石油平台到贸易平台的生产过程的每一步都在吸收、嵌入和应用尖端技术。

ADNOC的首席执行官Sultan Al Jaber博士表示:“简而言之,随着我们进入一个新的技术时代,世界仍然依赖于一个拥有160年历史的产业,其核心使命是负责任的、高效地保持在未来能源需求的前面。在ADNOC,我们把这个使命称为“石油和天然气4.0”。

Al Jaber在《每日电讯报》发表的一篇文章中表示,“石油和天然气4.0”是指重新思考我们的行业如何采用和应用技术,如何与非传统的合作伙伴建立联系,展示环境领导力,最重要的是如何吸引和留住人才。


王磊 摘译自 油气新闻


Oil, gas crucial to Industry 4.0, says Adnoc CEO

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc) is absorbing, embedding and applying cutting edge technology at every step of the production process from oil platforms to trading platforms, said its top official.

''In short, as we enter a new age of technology, the world remains reliant on a 160-year-old industry, whose core mission is to responsibly and efficiently stay ahead of tomorrow’s energy demand. At Adnoc, we call this mission "Oil and Gas 4.0," remarked Adnoc CEO Dr Sultan Al Jaber.

"Oil and Gas 4.0" means rethinking how our industry adopts and applies technology, connects with non-traditional partners, shows environmental leadership and most importantly attracts and retains talent,'' stated Dr Al Jaber in an article published by ''The Telegraph.'.

In the article, he affirmed that oil and gas will remain essential to the global energy mix and the basis for a wide range of modern consumer products.

''As we enter the Fourth Industrial Age, it is clear that this is an era defined by a transformation, not just of technology, but of opportunity. Never before in human history are so many people being raised out of poverty in such a short amount of time," he noted.

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