

阅读:1146次 日期:2019/05/28

据TradeArabia 网利雅得5月27日消息 Enoc集团是迪拜政府的全资子公司,到2030年,该公司将把加油站网络扩大8倍以上,达到124个加油站,以满足沙特阿拉伯日益增长的加油站需求。



Enoc集团首席执行官赛Saif Humaid Al Falasi表示:“我们对沙特市场的增长计划,是该集团零售扩张战略的一部分,目的不仅是提振国内经济人气,还为我们的国际增长计划提供动力。”我们强烈代表外国对沙特的持续投资。2018年,沙特的外国投资增长了110%,反映出该国通过商品和消费品向非石油工业贸易领域的多元化发展。




吴慧丹 摘译自 TradeArabia


Enoc targets 124 new service stations in Saudi Arabia

Enoc Group, a wholly-owned entity of the Government of Dubai, will increase its service station network by more than eight fold by 2030 to reach 124 stations to meet the growing fuel station demand in Saudi Arabia.

The new service stations will be strategically spread across different locations across the Kingdom covering east, west and central regions, with the objective of boosting the quality of infrastructure to bring last mile connectivity, especially for the rural parts of the country.

Over the next five years, Enoc plans to open 45 new service stations. From 2024 to 2028, the Group plans to further expand its retail operations across the Kingdom by opening 65 new Enoc stations. All upcoming service stations in the Kingdom will have provisions for solar PV panels to be installed on the roof of the canopy.

Saif Humaid Al Falasi, Group CEO, Enoc, said: “Our growth plans for the Saudi market come as part of the Group’s retail expansion strategy aimed at not only boosting domestic economic sentiment but also providing an impetus to our international growth plans. We strongly represent continued foreign investments into the Kingdom that rose by 110 per cent in 2018 to reflect the country’s diversification to non-oil industry trade between countries through goods and consumer products.

“We are committed to deliver on the Saudi Vision 2030objectives to enhance the country’s infrastructure and provide the highest quality of service standards as well as invest in new stations that offer the full breadth of retail services. This is an important milestone in our geographic expansion to Saudi Arabia.”

At the end of last year, Enoc Group had unveiled a five-year plan for its retail expansion in Saudi Arabia. With 14 operating service stations in the Kingdom, the Group has plans to open three new service stations by end of 2019, and a further 10 by end of 2020.

Through its expansion plans, Enoc will also provide employment to over 500 people across the Kingdom.
