

阅读:1303次 日期:2019/06/03


STL是一家海底工程公司,专门设计和制造海底压力控制设备,包括油井干预,井控和海底控制系统。 这些公司没有透露收购条款。

Helix的执行副总裁兼首席运营官Scotty Sparks表示,此次收购为Helix提供了内部工程服务,产品开发和系统工程的重要机会,同时也使我们能够加快新井干预技术的开发。提供更好的产品和服务。

STL的联合创始人兼首席执行官Drummond Lawson补充道,我们对收购感到兴奋,因为加入Helix代表了公司发展的机会,并加强了我们的能力,产品和服务。 STL将继续为我们的客户提供行业领先的服务,我们期待在这些机会中吸引现有客户和新客户。

展望未来,STL将在Helix阿伯丁的办事处运营,Lawson和首席技术官Dave McKay将继续担任现职。

郝芬 译自 Offshore Energy


Helix Energy takes majority stake in Subsea Technologies Group

Houston-based offshore energy services firm Helix Energy Solutions has bought a majority stake in Aberdeen-based Subsea Technologies Group Limited (STL).

STL is a subsea engineering company specializing in the design and manufacture of subsea pressure control equipment, including well intervention, well control and subsea control systems. The companies did not disclose terms of the acquisition.

Scotty Sparks, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Helix, stated: “This acquisition provides Helix with a significant opportunity to offer in-house engineering services, product development, and systems engineering, whilst also enabling us to accelerate the development of new well intervention technologies and provide an enhanced product and service offering.”

Drummond Lawson, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of STL, added: “We are excited about the acquisition, as joining Helix represents opportunities for company growth and to strengthen our capabilities, products and service offerings. STL will continue to provide industry leading service to our clients, and we look forward to engaging existing and new clients alike in those opportunities.”

Going forward STL will operate from Helix’s offices in Aberdeen, and Lawson, along with Chief Technical Officer Dave McKay, will continue in their current roles
