

阅读:1504次 日期:2019/06/10

据普氏能源资讯6月5日伦敦报道,壳牌英国和爱尔兰副总裁Steve Phimister周三表示,壳牌计划在未来三年内,以运营商的身份,每年在英国近海钻探10口油井,包括开发和勘探井。该公司正在建设北海中心,并在设得兰群岛以西寻找机会。




壳牌是英国石油公司在设得兰群岛西部所有主要石油生产中心的少数股东,这些生产中心包括克莱尔、希哈林和富伊纳文。壳牌还持有Siccar Point Energy 1亿桶Cambo石油项目30%的股份。


他表示,壳牌正与Siccar Point“努力”为Cambo选择一个开发概念,并“尽快寻求(项目)批准”。

薛珂 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Shell plans to drill 10 UK wells a year in expansion drive

Shell plans to drill 10 wells a year offshore the UK as operator over the next three years, including development and exploration wells, as it builds its North Sea hubs and looks for West of Shetland opportunities, its UK and Ireland vice president Steve Phimister said Wednesday.

Phimister said Shell had recently taken on three new drilling units and was "optimistic" about exploration both in the central North Sea and the West of Shetland area. The 10 wells a year to be drilled would be a combination of development and exploration wells, he said on the sidelines of a conference.

Europe's oil and gas majors are mostly focusing their UK operations on the less mature West of Shetland area, particularly with the departure of their US counterparts, but all retain assets in the core North Sea as well.

In the West of Shetland area, Shell could return to an operating role if opportunities arise out of its exploration acreage, in which it is mostly a junior partner to BP, but holds some licenses as operator, Phimister said.

Shell is a minority partner in all the main West of Shetland oil production hubs operated by BP -- Clair, Schiehallion and Foinaven -- and has a 30% stake in Siccar Point Energy's 100 million barrel Cambo oil project.

However, this non-operating role is a legacy issue rather than a point of principle, Phimister said. "We have some operated exploration areas in the West of Shetland. If operated opportunities come along for us, I would be interested."

Shell was "working hard" with Siccar Point to select a development concept for Cambo, and "looking for [project] sanction as soon as we can", he said.

