首页>资讯>行业动态>埃尼推迟了对Dunquin South远景的井场勘测

埃尼推迟了对Dunquin South远景的井场勘测

阅读:1520次 日期:2019/06/10

据海上能源6月5日报道,位于爱尔兰近海的Porcupine盆地南部的边境勘探许可区(“FEL”)3/04的运营商埃尼公司推迟了对Dunquin South远景的井场勘测。


普罗维登斯表示,FEL 3/04合作伙伴选择推迟收购计划中的2019年Dunquin South勘探井现场调查,该调查是之前批准的FEL 3/04 2019工作计划和预算的一部分。 有关修订的井场勘测时间表的进一步更新将在适当的时候提供。

该许可区包含未钻探的下白垩纪“Dunquin South”碳酸盐岩勘探前景以及相邻的“Dunquin North”碳酸盐岩堆积,其中含有残余油柱。

据去年11月的报道,合作伙伴批准了井场勘测的预算,这是在Dunquin South前景钻探一口探井的条件之一。

普罗维登斯将Dunquin South描述为“具有高度影响力的勘探前景”。


EL3/04由埃尼爱尔兰BV公司代表其合作伙伴经营(36.913%),Repsol Explacion Irlanda sa(33.557%),普罗维登斯资源有限公司。(26.846%)和索西纳勘探有限公司(2.684%)。

郝芬 译自 Offshore Energy


Eni delays Dunquin South work (Ireland)

Eni, the operator of the Frontier Exploration Licence (“FEL”) 3/04 located in the southern Porcupine Basin offshore Ireland, has postponed a well site survey over the Dunquin South prospect.

The piece of news of the delay was shared by Providence Resources, a partner in the project.

“The FEL 3/04 Partners have elected to defer the acquisition of the planned 2019 Dunquin South exploration well site survey, which formed part of the previously approved FEL 3/04 2019 Work Programme & Budget. Further updates on the revised scheduling of the well site survey will be provided as and when appropriate,” Providence said.

The license contains the undrilled Lower Cretaceous “Dunquin South” carbonate exploration prospect as well as the adjacent “Dunquin North” carbonate build-up, which hosts a residual oil column.

As reported in November, the partners had approved the budget for the well site survey, which is a condition for drilling an exploration well Dunquin South Prospect.

Providence has described the Dunquin South as a “high-impact exploration prospect.”

The offshore block containing the prospect is located 200 km off the south-west coast of Ireland in a water depth of 1,500 meters.

FEL 3/04 is operated by Eni Ireland BV (36.913%) on behalf of its partners, Repsol Exploracion Irlanda SA (33.557%), Providence Resources P.l.c. (26.846%) and Sosina Exploration Limited (2.684%).
