

阅读:1422次 日期:2019/06/10

据World Oil网米兰6月4日消息 埃尼集团已经签署了位于科特迪瓦海岸沉积盆地东部的两个新勘探区块的合同。这些区块是2018年底可用的20个区块的一部分。


埃尼集团是这两个区块的运营商,持有90%的股份,而国有企业Petroci持有剩余10%的股份。这两个区块毗邻CI-205区块的北部,该区块已由埃尼集团运营(埃尼90%,Petroci 10%)。由于其地质连续性,这些区块将协同研究,利用埃尼集团的专有技术,优化成本,并在石油发现和商业开发的情况下促进上市时间。

埃尼集团通过收购了CI-100勘探区块 30%的股份,于2015年重返科特迪瓦。该公司目前扣押了五个深水区块,其中四个区块通过其子公司埃尼科特迪瓦有限公司运营。埃尼集团在60年代和80年代一直活跃于科特迪瓦的上下游行业。

吴慧丹 摘译自 World Oil


Eni awarded two exploration blocks offshore Ivory Coast

Eni has signed the contracts for two new exploration blocks in the eastern part of the sedimentary basin offshore Ivory Coast. The blocks were part of the 20 blocks available at the end of 2018.

The two blocks, CI-501 and CI-504, are located at about 30 km from the coastline and cover a total area of about 911 km2. Block CI-501 (512 km2) is located 80 km southwest of the capital Abidjan at between 100 and 2,400 m of water depth, while block CI-504 (399 km2) is about 60 km southwest of the capital and at between 1,000 and 2,350 m of water depth.

Eni is operator in both blocks with a 90% stake, while the state company Petroci holds the remaining 10%. The two blocks are adjacent to the north of Block CI-205, already operated by Eni (Eni 90%, Petroci 10%). Due to their geological continuity, the blocks will be studied in synergy, utilizing Eni’s proprietary technologies, with cost optimization and facilitating time-to-market in the event of a petroleum discovery and commercial development.

Eni has returned to Ivory Coast in 2015, by acquiring 30% of the exploration block CI-100. The company currently detains five deepwater blocks, four of which are operated through its subsidiary Eni C?te d’Ivoire Limited. Eni had been active in Ivory Coast’s upstream and downstream sectors in the 60s and 80s.
