首页>资讯>市场分析>RBOB汽油期货飙升 亚洲汽油裂解差价上涨

RBOB汽油期货飙升 亚洲汽油裂解差价上涨

阅读:1418次 日期:2019/06/25

据普氏能源资讯6月24日新加坡报道,市场消息人士表示,美国费城能源解决方案公司(US Philadelphia Energy Solutions)日产量达33.5万桶的宾夕法尼亚炼油厂(Pennsylvania Refinery)6月21日发生爆炸的消息导致纽约商品交易所RBOB汽油期货飙升,进而提振新加坡92Ron汽油裂解价,上涨约30%。

周一亚洲市场开盘时,7月,92 RON汽油期货对布伦特原油期货价格跳涨逾1美元/桶,其中一家经济公司将价差定在4.68美元/桶,另一家经济公司将价差定在5.05美元/桶。上周五亚洲股市收盘时,这一差价为3.59美元/桶。








合伙人约翰·基尔达夫(John Kilduff)称,据报道爆炸发生在一个储罐区域,因此预计将造成供应短缺。

王佳晶 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Asia gasoline crack jumps on RBOB surge after PES Philadelphia refinery blast

The Asian gasoline market saw an uplift Monday after news of an explosion at US Philadelphia Energy Solutions' 335,000 b/d Pennsylvania refinery Friday sent NYMEX RBOB futures surging, which in turn bolstered the Singapore 92 RON swap crack in Asia by around 30% on Monday morning, market sources said.

The 92 RON gasoline July paper crack against month 1 Brent swap jumped by more than $1/b at the Asia open Monday, with one broker pegging the crack at $4.68/b and another at $5.05/b. The crack at the Asian close Friday was $3.59/b.

"Crack is going up due to RBOB," a Singapore-based trader said.

NYMEX RBOB futures had shot up to an intraday high of $1.8674/gal ahead of the US market open last Friday on expectations that the incident would impact regional gasoline supply, which has tightened lately.

Atlantic Coast inventories slipped 1.4 million barrels in the week ended June 14 to nearly 4% below the five-year average at 62.15 million barrels, according to US Energy Information Administration data released June 19.

The front month RBOB crack against Brent firmed to nearly $13/b last Friday in the US, while in Asia, the upward momentum continued -- the crack was at $13.65/b at 1 pm Singapore time (0500 GMT). The RBOB crack at 0830 GMT last Friday in Asia stood at $11.12/b.

Asian traders said Monday they had not seen the US seeking any prompt gasoline from the east. "I don't think they will seek cargoes from Asia. Europe is their best choice," one trader said.

Nonetheless, the RBOB surge has given the Asian market a much-needed boost, as demand for July barrels has softened in Indonesia and Vietnam while supply from the region remained ample, sources said.

The fire at the PES refining complex occurred on the Girard Point side of the refinery, impacting an alkylation unit. Operations at the refining complex have been reduced, according to the company. The cause of the fire was still under investigation.

The explosion reportedly occurred in a storage tank area, so the crunch in supply is expected to be limited, Again Capital partner John Kilduff said of incident.
