

阅读:1627次 日期:2019/06/27


两年前,埃克森美孚作为全球最大的石油公司,这家主要的美国石油公司出售了在该地区的运营资产,但该公司仍保留了其它20多个领域的股份,其中包括挪威国家石油Equinor 运营的Snorre和壳牌运营的Ormen Lange。

Anne Fougner表示:“在好几家公司表达了兴趣之后,埃克森美孚决定开设一个数据室,来测试挪威上游投资组合的市场兴趣。” 并补充称,目前还没有做出出售决定。

一些私人股本支持的公司,包括Okea,独立石油公司Aker BP和DNO,今年已经表示他们正在寻求在挪威大陆架上购买更多的资产。

Fougner的言论证实了挪威商业日报Dagens Naeringsliv的一篇报道,她拒绝就这些资产的价值发表评论,该商业日报援引一位未透露姓名的行业专家的话说,这些资产可能价值30至40亿美元。


Okea的首席执行官Erik Haugane本周告诉路透社,他预计除挪威Equinor外,所有石油巨头都将在10年内退出挪威大陆架。

另一家由亿万富翁Kjell Inge Roekke控股的挪威石油公司Det norske于2016年收购了英国石油BP在挪威的资产,BP则获得了新公司Aker BP 30%的股份。




Exxon Mobil seeks bids for Norwegian offshore assets

Exxon Mobil is considering selling all of the stakes it holds in oil and gas fields off the Norwegian coast, a spokeswoman said.

Two years ago the U.S. major - the world’s largest oil company - sold its operated assets in the area. But it has retained stakes in more than 20 other fields, including Equinor-operated Snorre and Shell-operated Ormen Lange.

“Following interest expressed by several parties, Exxon Mobil has decided to open a data room to test the market interest for the upstream portfolio in Norway,” Anne Fougner said, adding that no decision to sell had yet been made.

A number of private-equity backed firms, including Okea, and independent oil firms Aker BP and DNO, have this year said they were looking to buy more assets on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Fougner’s remarks confirmed a report in local newspaper Dagens Naeringsliv. She declined to comment on the value of the assets, which the business daily quoted an unnamed industry expert as saying could be worth $3-4 billion.

In 2017, Exxon Mobil’s net production from fields off Norway was around 170,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, according to its website.

Erik Haugane, Okea’s chief executive, told Reuters this week he expected all oil majors except Norway’s Equinor to exit the Norwegian continental shelf in a decade.

Another Norwegian oil firm, Det norske - controlled by billionaire Kjell Inge Roekke - bought BP’s Norwegian assets in 2016, with BP getting a 30% stake in the new company, Aker BP.

U.S. major Chevron transferred its last stake in a Norwegian offshore license last year, while ConocoPhillips still operates Ekofisk, the first major oil discovery off Norway.
