

阅读:1452次 日期:2019/06/28

据天然气工业6月26日报道,德国卡车制造企业MAN公司宣布,Damen Shiprepair & Conversion公司已经签署了一项协议,将一艘挖泥船改装为液化天然气(LNG)和海洋天然气(MGO)双燃料作业船,动力由MAN 35/44DF发动机提供。


这艘8500立方米拖曳式抓斗挖泥船长117米,由Rouenbased GIE Dragages-Ports所有,由南Nantes-Saint-Nazaire港运营。


Damen的项目经理Louis-Marie Rouxel说:“选择MAN的主要原因是其极具竞争力的35/44 DF发动机在应对负载冲击时的性能。挖泥船的独特需求要求发动机能够承受很大的负荷,我们的研究结果表明,这是最满足这些参数的发动机。”

MAN Energy Solutions海运销售主管莱克斯?尼森(Lex Nijsen)补充称:“从欧盟提供的支持来看,这对欧洲航运来说是一个重要时刻。这一转变只是一个开端,它将在整个欧洲大陆建立一个全面的液化天然气基础设施,以追求更高效的推进和更清洁的排放。我很高兴,MAN 35/44DF发动机被认为是满足挖泥船行业和更广泛的项目所要求的苛刻标准。”

邹勤 摘译自 天然气工业


European dredger converted to LNG dual-fuel operation

MAN has announced that Damen Shiprepair & Conversion has signed off on the conversion of a dredger to dual-fuel operation on LNG and marine gas oil (MGO), powered by MAN 35/44DF engines.

According to the statement, the conversion of the Samuel de Champlain is the first of its kind in Europe, and is part of an EU-supported initiative to promote LNG propulsion in short-sea vessels operating along the European Atlantic coast.

The 8500 m3 trailing suction hopper dredger is 117 m long, and is owned by Rouenbased GIE Dragages-Ports and operated by Port of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire.

The conversion involved the replacement of the vessel’s diesel-electric MGO-burning propulsion system with three MAN 6L35/44DF dual-fuel models. In addition to this, it also included the installation of on board LNG storage facilities.

Louis-Marie Rouxel, Project Manager for Damen, said: “The main reason for choosing MAN was the performance of its highly competitive 35/44 DF engine in response to load impacts. The unique demands of dredgers required engines capable of supporting great loads and, as a result of our studies, it turned out that this was the engine that best met these parameters.”

Lex Nijsen, Head of Four-Stroke Marine Sales, MAN Energy Solutions, added: “This is a significant moment for European shipping, as evident by the support the EU is offering. This conversion is just the beginning of a path that will lead to a comprehensive LNG infrastructure around the continent in the pursuit of more efficient propulsion and cleaner emissions. I’m very happy that the MAN 35/44DF engine has been deemed worthy of meeting the demanding criteria that both the dredger world and this broader project require.
