

阅读:1010次 日期:2019/07/02

据路透社7月1日维也纳报道,伊拉克石油部长塔梅尔·加德班(Thamer Ghadhban)周日表示,他预计一项削减原油产量的全球协议将延长6至9个月,伊拉克支持一切改善石油市场稳定的努力。




孙子舒 编译自 路透社


Iraqi oil minister expects 6-9 months OPEC output deal extension

Iraqi Oil Minister Thamer Ghadhban said on Sunday that he expects a global deal cutting crude production to be extended by six to nine months and that his country supports all efforts to improve stability in the oil market.

“The main oil producers are heading towards a decision to extend the oil production agreement by six to nine months,” the minister said in a statement ahead of talks among OPEC and its allies on Monday and Tuesday about renewing the pact.

“Iraq’s position is positive, deals with the reality of the challenges of the oil market and supports all (efforts) related to balancing oil supply and demand.”

Russia has agreed with Saudi Arabia to extend the deal with OPEC on reducing oil output, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, as oil prices come under renewed pressure from rising U.S. supplies and a slowing global economy.
