

阅读:998次 日期:2019/07/02


在2018-2019财年(7 - 6月),澳大利亚工业、创新和科学部现在预计澳大利亚LNG出口量为7480万吨,比报告第三季度给出的7560万吨下降了1%。报告还预计,未来两个财年澳大利亚LNG出口量预计将分别下降1%和2%,分别从8200万吨降至8130万吨和从8260万吨降至8120万吨。




李峻 编译自 Platts


Australia trims LNG export volumes forecast as it jostles with Qatar for no. 1

Australia's Department of Industry, Innovation and Science has marginally lowered its forecast for the country's LNG export volumes for the next two years as the country jostles with Qatar to be the world's largest exporter of the fuel, it said Monday in its Resources and Energy Quarterly report.

For the 2018-2019 (July-June) fiscal year, it is now expecting exports of 74.8 million mt, down by 1% from the 75.6 million mt figure given in the March quarter edition of the report. The report also estimates LNG exports for the next two fiscal years to drop by 1% and 2% to 81.3 million mt from 82 million mt, and to 81.2 million mt from 82.6 million mt, respectively.

The fiscal 2018-2019 forecast should be enough to see Australia edge past Qatar on an annual basis to be the world's largest exporter, but the margin will be very narrow, it said, adding that it's not a certainty.

"The tussle for the title of world's largest LNG exporter is further complicated by a lack of clarity around the price level of Qatar's LNG exports," the Canberra-based unit said.

"During the mid-2020s, Australia is expected to be surpassed as the world's largest LNG exporter by both Qatar and the US, as new projects in both countries come online," it said.

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