

阅读:984次 日期:2019/07/02

据世界天然气7月1日报道,英国能源巨头、液化天然气(LNG)生产商BP)已提高了毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔近海Tortue Ahmeyim气田的天然气资源潜力。

BP在该油田的合作伙伴美国科斯莫斯能源公司Kosmos Energy周一表示,在东部背斜上钻探的Tortue ahmeyi -1井(GTA-1)在优质的阿尔比安(Albian)油藏中发现了约30米的净天然气储层。

Greater Tortue Ahmeyim液化天然气项目有望在2022年上半年交付第一批天然气,这口井是作为未来的生产商而设计的,将用于进一步优化BP运营项目的开发钻井计划。

Kosmos Energy董事长兼首席执行官安德鲁?英格利斯(Andrew Inglis)表示:“GTA-1井证实了我们的预期,即随着时间的推移,Greater Tortue Ahmeyim的天然气资源将继续增长,并可能进一步扩大这个全球规模为1000万吨/年的液化天然气项目。”



BP的Ensco DS-12钻井平台,现在将在塞内加尔钻探yakar -2油井,预计将在未来几周开钻,随后在毛里塔尼亚钻探Orca-1探井,Orca-1探井定于今年第三季度开钻。

跨境Greater Tortue Ahmeyim项目的其他合作伙伴包括SMPHM和塞内加尔Petrosen公司。

值得注意的是,BP在去年12月就Greater Tortue项目达成了最终投资决定。

最近,KBR公司获得了英国石油公司Greater Tortue Ahmeyim项目第2和第3阶段的服务合同,而集海上液化天然气的生产、存储、装卸和外运为一体的新型浮式生产储卸装置(FLNG)上部解决方案提供商Black & Veatch公司收到了一份通知,开始在Golar公司的Gimi FLNG项目上开展工作。

洪伟立 摘译自 世界天然气


BP ramps up Tortue gas resource potential with new well

UK-based energy giant and LNG player BP has ramped up natural gas resource potential at the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim field offshore Mauritania and Senegal.

Kosmos Energy, BP’s partner in the field, said on Monday that the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim-1 well (GTA-1) drilled on the eastern anticline encountered approximately 30 meters of net gas pay in the high-quality Albian reservoir.

The Greater Tortue Ahmeyim LNG project is on track to deliver first gas in the first half of 2022, and the well – designed as a future producer – will be used to further optimize the development drilling plans for the BP-operated project.

Andrew Inglis, Kosmos Energy chairman and CEO, said: “The GTA-1 well confirms our expectation that the gas resource at Greater Tortue Ahmeyim will continue to grow over time and could lead to further expansion of this world-scale 10 mtpa LNG project.

“In addition, Kosmos’ process to sell down its interest to 10 percent has received considerable interest from the industry, with initial bids expected over the summer, and transaction conclusion anticipated by year-end.”

Located offshore Senegal, the GTA-1 well was drilled in approximately 2,500 meters of water, some ten kilometers inboard of the Guembeul-1A and Tortue-1 wells, to a total depth of 4,884 meters.

The Ensco DS-12 rig, working on behalf of the operator BP, will now drill the Yakaar-2 appraisal well in Senegal, which is expected to spud in the coming weeks, before drilling the Orca-1 exploration well in Mauritania, set to be spud late in the third quarter.

Remaining partners in the cross-border Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project include SMPHM and Petrosen.

To remind, BP reached the final investment decision on the Greater Tortue project in December of last year.

Recently, KBR was awarded a pre-FEED services contract for phases 2 and 3 of BP’s Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project while FLNG topside solutions provider Black & Veatch received a full notice to begin work on the Golar’s Gimi FLNG, set to be used on the project.

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