首页>资讯>石油石化>因OPEC延长减产 原油期货价格上涨超2%

因OPEC延长减产 原油期货价格上涨超2%

阅读:991次 日期:2019/07/02


新加坡上午10点49分(格林威治时间02:49),洲际交易所(ICE) 9月布伦特原油期货价格较上周五结算价每桶66.12美元上涨1.38美元(2.13%),纽约商交所8月轻质低硫原油期货上涨1.21美元(2.04%),至59.68美元/桶。




沙特能源部长哈立德·法利赫(Khalid al-Falih)周日抵达奥地利首都时表示:“我认为减产协议很有可能延期九个月,但我们必须与其他部长磋商,我个人倾向于延期九个月。”

俄罗斯能源部长诺瓦克(Alexander Novak)表示,减产持续至明年3月,将需要考虑俄罗斯冬季天气的恶劣条件,产量提升难度加大等因素。在冬季,需求下降,而夏季需求上升,这时退出交易将是困难的。因此,最有可能、最有益的决定是将协议延长9个月。

澳新银行(ANZ)分析师在一份报告中表示,俄罗斯总统普京(Putin)与沙特王储穆罕默德?本?萨勒曼(Mohammed Bin Salman)之间的积极会谈,可能会提振市场活力。

此前沙特阿拉伯和非欧佩克成员国俄罗斯上周末宣布,它们已就延长减产达成共识。伊朗石油部长赞加内(Bijan Zanganeh)表示,欧佩克成员国应首先就石油政策进行磋商,然后再与联盟以外的产油国达成协议。




王佳晶 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Crude oil futures up more than 2% as OPEC looks to extend supply cuts

Crude oil futures soared by nearly 2% during mid-morning trade in Asia Monday as OPEC and its allies look to extend their supply cut agreement at a time of growing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East.

At 10:49 am Singapore time (0249 GMT), the new front-month ICE Brent September futures rose by $1.38/b (2.13%) from Friday's settle at $66.12/b, while the front-month NYMEX August light sweet crude futures contract was up $1.21/b cents/b (2.04%) at $59.68/b.

Saudi Arabia and Russia have OPEC and its allies poised to extend oil supply cuts for longer than expected into the first quarter of 2020, as the bloc seeks to shore up prices in the face of flagging demand growth ahead.

Ministers from the two largest countries of the producer alliance have endorsed a nine-month extension of the 1.2 million b/d cut accord, which expired over the weekend.

OPEC will meet Monday in Vienna to discuss its options, with any agreement requiring a unanimous vote. Russia and nine other non-OPEC partners will join the talks Tuesday.

"I think it's most likely nine months, but we have to talk to other ministers," Saudi energy minister Khalid al-Falih said on arrival in the Austrian capital early Sunday. "My preference is for nine months."

Russian energy minister Alexander Novak said continuing the cuts through March would take the agreement through winter, when Russia finds it harder to raise output due to harsh weather conditions.

"In the winter period it would be difficult to exit the deal, when demand is falling and in the summer period, demand rises. Therefore, it is most likely, most beneficial, to extend the deal for nine months," Novak said Saturday, according to the Prime news agency.

"Sentiment is likely to be boosted by positive talks between Russian President Putin and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman," ANZ analysts said in a note.

OPEC members should consult among themselves first on oil policy before striking deals with producers outside the bloc, Iranian oil minister Bijan Zanganeh said Monday, after Saudi Arabia and non-OPEC Russia announced over the weekend they had reached a consensus on extending output cuts.

Leaders of the G20 have reached a consensus on the importance of energy security in the wake of recent concerns about the safety of energy flow in the Middle East, with member countries making efforts to ease tensions in the region.

In light of recent events highlighting concern about safe flow of energy, we acknowledge the importance of global energy security," the leaders said Saturday in their joint declaration, following the end of the G20 Osaka Summit in western Japan.

As of 0249 GMT, the US Dollar Index was up 0.16% at 95.88.

上一篇:7月2日 国内主要城市轴承钢价格汇总