

阅读:1235次 日期:2019/07/08


据Refinitiv Eikon周五公布的数据显示,弗拉基米尔·鲁萨诺夫号是一艘ARC7级的液化天然气油轮,可以在半清澈的水域中航行,6月29日离开萨贝塔港,现在位于白令海峡附近的楚科奇海。




预计诺瓦泰克不久将向道达尔、两家中国企业和两家日本企业出售股权,之后将做出建造另一家液化及出口设施Arctic LNG 2的最终决定,这是这是亚马尔附近的另一个液化出口设施。

曹海斌 摘译自 离岸工程


Arctic Sea Route Opens for Year's First LNG Cargo

A liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker carrying a cargo from the Yamal LNG plant has spent this week making its way through Arctic waters north of Russia towards Asia, marking the first voyage of the 2019 summer season across the Northern Sea Route.

The Vladimir Rusanov, an Arc7-classed LNG tanker that can plough through semi-cleared waters, left the Sabetta port on June 29 and is in the Chukchi Sea close to the Bering Strait, Refinitiv Eikon shipping data showed on Friday.

The route is frozen for most of the year but is being increasingly used during the summer as ice clears quicker and for longer as the climate changes. Vessels are now able to cross the route without the use of ice-breakers to clear their path.

Independent Russian gas producer Novatek began operations at Yamal, in northwest Russia, with the aim to ship some of the LNG eastwards with its Arc7 tankers. Last year, as the terminal was ramping operations it began in December 2017, four such tankers were sent eastwards.

For Novatek, the route is attractive because it gives a much more direct access to the world's largest LNG consumers in Asia. For other shipping companies, the route has the potential to cut the costs and time to access Asian markets.

Novatek is expected to take a final decision to build Arctic LNG 2, another liquefaction and export facility next to Yamal, very soon after selling stakes to Total, two Chinese and two Japanese companies.
