

阅读:1191次 日期:2019/07/12


新加坡时间上午11:05(格林威治标准时间03:05),洲际交易所(ICE) 9月期布伦特原油期货较周一结算价每桶63.87美元下跌24美分(0.37%),纽约商交所8月轻质低硫原油期货合约下跌20美分(0.35%),至每桶57.46美元。

根据标准全球(S&P Global Platts Surve)的一项调查显示,由于沙特阿拉伯和尼日利亚本月产量增长,加上伊拉克继续无视其石油生产上限,欧佩克对其生产配额的遵守率在6月份大幅下降,导致该组织在削减供应协议范围内的利润率下降。



大华银行(UOB Bank)周二在一份报告中表示:“在主要能源报告公布之前,原油价格走势受到限制。”




上周,壳牌(Shell)租了一艘名为“British Heritage”的Suezmax油轮,在巴士拉装载了14万吨原油,准备运往西北欧或地中海。然而,业内消息人士周一表示,这批货物现在已经被取消。

上周,直布罗陀政府表示,它已扣押了超大型油轮Grace 1号,据称,该船将原油从伊朗运往叙利亚,违反了欧盟的制裁。事件发生后,伊朗一名高级官员表示,伊朗应逮捕一艘英国油轮以示警告。





邹勤 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Oil slips after survey on OPEC's compliance to output deal

Crude oil futures were lower during mid-morning trade in Asia Tuesday following a survey that showed that OPEC compliance to its production cut deal was lower in June, while market participants continue to watch out for ongoing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East.

At 11:05 am Singapore time (0305 GMT), front-month ICE Brent September futures was down 24 cents/b (0.37%) from Monday's settle at $63.87/b, while the NYMEX August light sweet crude futures contract was 20 cents/b (0.35%) lower at $57.46/b.

OPEC's compliance with its production quotas fell sharply in June, as output gains in the month by Saudi Arabia and Nigeria, along with Iraq's continued flouting of its cap, shrank the bloc's margin for remaining within the bounds of its supply cut agreement, according to an S&P Global Platts survey of industry officials, analysts and shipping data.

OPEC as a whole pumped 30.09 million b/d, steady from May, the survey found, although much of the month's decline came from exempt Iran and Libya, and were offset by the Saudi and Nigerian surges, leading to the lower compliance rate.

OPEC and 10 non-OPEC allies, led by Russia, last week extended their 1.2 million b/d production cut agreement through March 2020, as they aim to prop up oil prices.

"Crude price movements were limited ahead of key energy reports," said UOB Bank's said in a note Tuesday.

OPEC's monthly Oil Market report is due for release on Thursday, while the International Energy Agency will release its monthly oil report on Friday.

Meanwhile, ongoing tensions in the Middle East continued to grab market attention, analysts said.

A crude shipment on a British-flagged tanker owned by BP has been canceled after escalating tensions between the UK and Iran, according to shipping sources.

The British Heritage, a Suezmax tanker was chartered by Shell last week to load a 140,000 mt crude cargo at Basrah for delivery to Northwest Europe or the Mediterranean. However, industry sources told Platts Monday that this shipment has now been canceled.

Last week, the Gibraltar government said it had seized the VLCC Grace 1, which it alleged was taking crude from Iran to Syria in breach of EU sanctions. Following this incident, a senior Iranian official said Iran should arrest a British tanker in retaliation.

"Oil shipments are being diverted or delayed, as risks for tanker attacks have increased. Investors are worried about production outages in the region and this risk premium is reflected in the prices," ANZ analysts said in a note Tuesday.

Elsewhere, analysts surveyed Monday by Platts were looking for US crude stocks for the week ended July 5 to have declined by 4.2 million barrels to 464.3 million barrels.

Total distillate inventories were expected to have edged 1.4 million barrels higher last week to 128.2 million barrels, while US gasoline inventories were expected to have reduced by 1.2 million barrels to 229.4 million barrels.

Preliminary data on last week's US inventory levels is due for release from the American Petroleum Institute later Tuesday, while the more definitive numbers from the US Energy information Administration later Wednesday.
