

阅读:1531次 日期:2019/07/18

据OGJ网站7月17日报道,雪佛龙澳大利亚公司已与全球船机巨头曼能源解决方案(MAN Energy Solutions)签订合同,以支持雪佛龙运营的西澳大利亚Jansz-io油田的海底压缩解决方案的前端工程和设计研究。Jansz-io将是挪威以外的第一个使用海底压缩技术的气田。

曼能源解决方案合同的授予是与Aker Solutions结盟的一部分,该公司于今年3月份签订了海底压缩系统的主合同。



曼能源解决方案的海底压缩解决方案已在挪威Equinor 阿斯加德气田使用,该气田的海底压缩机在2018年12月几乎没有停止或中断,运行时间达到5万小时。

郝芬 译自 OGJ


Chevron Australia lets subsea compression contract for Jansz-Io field

Chevron Australia has let a contract to MAN Energy Solutions to support the front-end engineering and design study of a subsea compression solution for Chevron-operated Jansz-Io field off Western Australia. Jansz-Io will be the first gas field outside Norway where the subsea compression technology comes to use.

The award to MAN Energy Solutions is part of an alliance with Aker Solutions, which was let a master contract for the subsea compression system in March (OGJ Online, Mar. 14, 2019).

MAN Energy Solutions’ scope of work within the FEED covers the technology of the subsea compressors, which will be used to maintain output as reservoir pressure drops over time. Subsea compression solutions boost gas recovery more cost-effectively and with a smaller environmental footprint than conventional compressor systems typically installed on platforms above sea level.

Jansz-Io, which lies 200 km off northwestern Western Australia in 1,350 m of water, is part of the Gorgon gas project on Barrow Island that includes an LNG facility designed to produce 15.6 million-tonnes/year of LNG. The subsea infrastructure also will be used to transport the gas from Jansz-Io field to Gorgon’s onshore facilities with its three LNG processing units. The project also includes a domestic gas plant.

MAN Energy Slutions’ subsea compression solution has been utilized on Equinor’s Asgard gas field in Norway where the subsea compressors reached 50,000 hr of operation with practically no stops or interruptions in December 2018.
