

阅读:1547次 日期:2019/07/18

据离岸工程7月17日消息,意大利油气行业服务商塞班表示,将根据与阿布扎比可再生能源解决方案公司Plambeck Emirates签署的谅解备忘录和独家协议,在沙特阿拉伯设计并建造一座500兆瓦(MW)的浮式海上风电场。

塞班表示,该项目将在未来几周通过位于利雅得的Plambeck Saudi公司启动。


Xsight部门可再生能源和绿色科技产品经理Francesco Balestrino评论道:“我们相信,沙特阿拉伯的风电市场可以通过海上风电场建设的创新解决方案得到支持,例如塞班的Hexafloat技术,通过该技术可加快项目建设并降低成本。在沙特阿拉伯启动新市场是一个值得重视的重要机会,我们已经准备好与Plambeck Emirates一起迎接这一新的挑战。”

Plambeck Emirates的股东Norbert Plambeck表示:“500兆瓦海上浮动风电场项目的开发,是向沙特阿拉伯提议的5吉瓦“风电市场”全新概念的一部分。我们非常自豪能够拥有像塞班这样具有国际经验的全球解决方案提供商,我们可以与他们一起进行项目的下一个开发阶段。此外,与实力雄厚的国际集团塞班一起执行该项目在技术上已经得到了保证。”

裘寅 编译自 离岸工程


Saipem to Build Floating Wind Farm in Saudi Arabia

Italian services company Saipem said it will design and built a 500 megawatt (MW) floating offshore wind farm in Saudi Arabia under a memorandum of understanding and exclusive agreement with Abu Dhabi based renewables solutions firm Plambeck Emirates.

The project phases will commence in the coming weeks via Plambeck Saudi, a Plambeck company located in Riyadh, Saipem said.

Saipem plans to start operations after finalizing financial agreements at the end of the planning phase, after which the contract will be signed for Saipem to undertake the engineering, design, construction and installation of the entire project and related services.

Francesco Balestrino, Renewables and Green Tech Product Manager of the Xsight division, commented: "We believe that the wind market in Saudi Arabia can be supported by innovative solutions for the construction of offshore wind farms, such as the Saipem technology Hexafloat, with an accelerated program and reduced costs. Initiating the new market in Saudi Arabia is an important opportunity to be seized and we are ready with Plambeck for this new challenge."

Norbert Plambeck, shareholder of Plambeck Emirates, said, "The development of the 500 MW floating offshore wind farm project is part of the new 5 GW "Wind Market” concept, which has been proposed to Saudi Arabia. We are very proud to have a global solution provider with international experience like Saipem, with whom we can carry the next development phases of the project. Furthermore, the implementation of the project with Saipem, a solid international group, is already technically assured."
