

阅读:1518次 日期:2019/07/18






2018 - 2019年的产量结果使必和必拓的石油总产量达到1.21亿油当量,同比增长1%。 然而,该公司表示,该公司预计当前财政年度将下降至1.1亿油当量--1.16亿油当量。

加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)分析师保罗·希西(Paul Hissey)表示,该投资银行预计该产量将达到1.15亿油当量的上限。

郝芬 译自 Platts


BHP's 2018-2019 oil production falls 4% on year

BHP's crude oil, condensate and natural gas liquids production fell in fiscal 2018-2019 (July-June) on the back of natural field decline and planned maintenance work which came amidst weaker prices, the company said in its operational review Wednesday.

The production of the fuels stood at 55 million barrels of oil equivalent, down 4% year on year. The April-June quarter result came in at 13 mmboe, showing a 1% dip year on year and 1% rise from the January-March period.

BHP said the natural field decline was across the portfolio while the maintenance work was a 70-day dry dock program at Australia's Pyrenees completed during the July-September quarter of 2018.

"This decline was partly offset by higher uptime and stronger field performance at [the Gulf of Mexico] Atlantis and Mad Dog," it said.

The company's achieved average crude and condensate price for the January-June period was $63.29/bbl, which is down 7% year on year and 9% from the July-December period, it said.

The 2018-2019 production result took BHP's total petroleum production to 121 mmboe, up 1% year on year. However, the company is expecting a fall to 110 mmboe-116 mmboe in the current fiscal, it said.

RBC Capital Markets analyst Paul Hissey said the investment bank expects the production to be at the upper end of guidance at 115 mmboe.
