

阅读:1612次 日期:2019/07/18

据Oil & Gas Journal网站7月16日报道 运营商挪威国家石油公司(Equinor)宣布称,位于挪威海Haltenbanken上的Trestakk油田于7月16日投产,预计可采7600万桶石油,该海底开发项目与Asgard A浮式生产设施相连。


1986年,挪威国家石油公司的ASA 6406/3-2号勘探井发现了Trestakk,位于阿斯加德以南300米的水域,并在加恩组侏罗统砂岩中发现了石油。



挪威国家石油公司技术、项目和钻井执行副总裁安德斯?欧佩达尔表示:“我们与我们的合作伙伴埃克森美孚和Var Energi一起,在Trestakk的成熟勘探区投入了大量精力,该项目还涉及许多高压、高温系统。”



吴恒磊 编译自 Oil & Gas Journal


Equinor brings Trestakk oil field on stream

Trestakk oil field on Haltenbanken in the Norwegian Sea came on stream July 16, announced Equinor Energy AS, the operator, which estimates Trestakk’s resources at 76 million bbl of oil. The subsea development is tied back to the Asgard A floating production vessel.

Initial production is about 22,000 b/d with peak production expected at about 44,000 b/d. Trestakk field production is expected to last for 12 years.

Discovered in 1986 by then Statoil’s ASA 6406/3-2 well, Trestakk lies in 300 m of water just south of Asgard. The discovery was identified oil in Middle Jurassic sandstones in the Garn formation.

The top of the reservoir lies at a depth of 3,885 m, and it was deposited in a shallow marine environment with calcite cemented intervals (OGJ Online, Nov. 1, 2016).

The development involves a subsea template with four well slots and one satellite well. Plans call for three production wells and two gas injection wells to be drilled. Asgard A floating production vessel was modified to receive production from Trestakk.

“Together with our partners ExxonMobil and Var Energi, we spent ample time on maturing Trestakk,” said Anders Opedal, executive vice-president for Equinor technology, projects, and drilling. The project involved numerous high-pressure, high-temperature systems.

The project was completed on schedule and below budget. When approved in 2017, the cost was estimated at 5.5 billion kroner, but final costs are anticipated to be 5 billion kroner, Equinor said.

The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has approved applsications for extending the life time of the installation to 2031.
