

阅读:1574次 日期:2019/07/18

据韩国时报7月17日报道,韩国天然气公司(Korea Gas Corp.)周三表示,该公司正在加快海外天然气项目的开发,从勘探到分销,为韩国在确保能源安全方面提供了一定的稳定性。


目前,三星重工正在为该项目建设一套浮动液化天然气(Coral South floating LNG)装置,项目珊瑚南项目一期投资将于今年下半年确定。它将从2024年开始生产天然气。





本月早些时候,KOGAS任命Chae Hee-bong为其第17任总裁,填补了其领导层10个月来的空缺。

摘译自 韩国时报


KOGAS expands overseas natural gas projects

Korea Gas Corp. (KOGAS) is expediting its overseas natural gas projects ranging from exploration to distribution, offering Korea some stability in securing the energy source, according to the state-run firm, Wednesday.

KOGAS is currently running 25 projects in 13 countries. The projects include exploration and production of natural gas, liquefying the gas, and the construction of pipelines and terminals.

Of notice among those projects is the Area 4 deep water LNG project in offshore Mozambique, which marks the largest gas field exploration success in KOGAS' history. KOGAS has a 10 percent stake in the project, and the local government granted approval on the project in May.

Currently, Samsung Heavy Industries is building a Coral South floating LNG unit for the project, and the phase one investment for the project will be determined in the second half of this year. It will produce natural gas from 2024.

The Mozambique project came after KOGAS celebrated the commercial operation of the Prelude floating LNG unit in waters off northwest Australia last year. The Prelude unit shipped its first LNG last month. KOGAS also has a 10 percent stake in the project, which will produce up to 3.6 million tons of LNG a year.

In Mexico, KOGAS is running the Manzanillo LNG Terminal with a 25 percent stake. This marks the first time for KOGAS to directly own and operate an overseas LNG plant. For the project, the company invested 62.3 billion won in 2008 and has reclaimed 60 percent of it just six years after the terminal to begin commercial operation.

These helped KOGAS to log 42.2 billion won in net profit from overseas business last year, and sell 36.22 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Korea during the same period.

"With KOGAS' world-leading technology and overseas network, we will continue exploring new projects in emerging markets and step up our effort to become a global LNG provider," a KOGAS official said.

Earlier this month, KOGAS named Chae Hee-bong as its 17th president, filling a 10-month vacuum in its leadership.
