

阅读:1421次 日期:2019/07/25



知情人士说,这家私募股权公司正与一名顾问合作,准备出售其在钱尼尔能源合作伙伴公司(Cheniere Energy Partners)的股份。钱尼尔能源合作伙伴公司是一家由钱尼尔能源有限责任公司创建的有限合伙企业。知情人士要求不透露具体情况,因为此事不公开。知情人士称,黑石正寻求溢价,并将其出售给少数基础设施基金、养老金基金和主权财富基金。


孙子舒 编译自 世界石油网


Blackstone considers sale of Cheniere stake

Blackstone Group is considering selling its stake in Cheniere Energy Partners LP, according to people familiar with the matter, seven years after agreeing to invest about $1.5 billion in the owner of the first major liquefied natural gas export terminal in the U.S.

Blackstone owned 203.4 million common units in the Houston-based company as of Feb. 20, according to regulatory filings. That stake -- about 58% of the company’s outstanding common units -- was worth about $8.9 billion based on its unit price at the close on Monday.

The private equity firm is working with an adviser on a potential sale of its interest in Cheniere Energy Partners, a limited partnership created by Cheniere Energy Inc., said the people, who asked to not be identified because the matter isn’t public. Blackstone is seeking a premium for its stake and marketing it to a small number of infrastructure, pension and sovereign wealth funds, said the people.

Blackstone began working with an adviser to explore shopping the stake after receiving unsolicited interest from potential buyers, one of the people said. Blackstone is under no pressure to sell and may opt to keep the stake, they said.
