

阅读:1434次 日期:2019/07/25



埃尼公司说,该公司已把其在埃及的权益油气日产量提高到了35万桶油当量,高于去年平均30万桶油当量的水平。埃尼公司表示,随着祖尔深水气田产量增加以及尼罗河三角洲浅水区Baltim South West气田的投产,其在埃及的权益油气产量还将进一步增加。埃尼公司持有祖尔深水气田的50%权益。


李峻 编译自 Platts


Eni boosts Egypt output to 350,000 boe/d, adding new discoveries

Italy's Eni started production Tuesday from a recent oil find in Egypt's Western Desert and announced several new oil and gas discoveries, saying it has raised its Egyptian production by around 30% in the last year.

In a statement, Eni said it launched production from two wells at discoveries made last year in the South West Meleiha area, located between the Siwa oasis and the Mediterranean coast. Output from the discoveries is running at 5,000 b/d and should reach 7,000 b/d in September, it said.

The company put its Egyptian oil and gas production at 350,000 b/d of oil equivalent on an equity basis, up from 300,000 boe/d on average last year. It said it expects further increases on the back of higher production from the Zohr deepwater gas field, in which it holds a 50% stake, and the start of production from the Baltim South West gas fields in the Nooros shallow-water area off the Nile Delta.

Tuesday's announcement underlined Eni's role in all of Egypt's main oil and gas provinces, including the Gulf of Suez, Western Desert, Nile Delta, and deep- and shallow-water Mediterranean. Its nearest rival in the country, BP, had just over 200,000 boe/d of Egyptian production last year. Helped by the startup of Zohr in 2017, Egypt became self-sufficient in gas last September and is now exporting several LNG cargoes per month.

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