

阅读:1451次 日期:2019/07/25


根据一份合同,该公司预计将于2019年第四季度在罗马尼亚黑海海域钻探一口油井。工程将由半潜式钻井平台Scarabeo 9进行,该钻井设备适合该地区的作业,因为它能够降低塔架的高度,从而能够跨越博斯普鲁斯海峡。

此外,一份在阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比近海钻探工程的合同已经签订。钻井活动将由高规格自升式Perro Negro 8进行,并与当前作业保持一致。合同为期4年。


邹勤 摘译自 Trend


Saipem gets new contracts in offshore drilling in Romania, Abu Dhabi

Italy’s Saipem company has been awarded new contracts in offshore drilling in Romania and Abu Dhabi worth over $160 million,Trend reports citing the company.

According to one contract, the company will drill a well in Romania’s Black Sea waters, expectedly in the fourth quarter of 2019. Works will be executed by the semi-submersible rig Scarabeo 9, a drilling unit suitable for operations in the area, thanks to its ability to lower its tower which enables crossing of the Bosphorus Strait.

In addition, a contract has been awarded for drilling works offshore Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The drilling activities will be carried out by the high spec jack up Perro Negro 8, in continuity with current operations. The contract will have a duration of 4 years.

Saipem is a leading company in engineering, drilling and construction of major projects in the energy and infrastructure sectors. It is “One-Company” organized in five business divisions (Offshore E&C, Onshore E&C, Offshore Drilling, Onshore Drilling and XSIGHT, dedicated to conceptual design). Saipem is a global solution provider with distinctive skills and competences and high-tech assets, which it uses to identify solutions aimed at satisfying its customers’ requirements. Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, it is present in over 70 countries worldwide and has 32,000 employees of 120 different nationalities.

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