

阅读:1459次 日期:2019/07/25




苏格兰能源部长Paul Wheelhouse在一份政府声明中称:“行业报告显示,英国预计在2018-2027年期间将支出191亿美元(153亿英镑)的退役资金,市场需求将进一步扩大。”



2016年,苏格兰企业和高地及岛屿企业发起了一项退役行动计划。2018年2月,苏格兰政府与苏格兰高地与岛屿企业和苏格兰企业合作委托韦斯特伍德能源集团(Westwood Energy Group)进行了一次海上浮式资产退役市场研究,探索了油气领域退役的机会。

李峻 编译自 钻机区域


Scotland Boosts Decommissioning Fund

The Scottish government has revealed that $5 million (GBP 4 million) of funding is being made available as part of the fourth round of the Decommissioning Challenge Fund (DCF).

The latest tranche of funding will provide support for projects to enhance the decommissioning market and supply chain in Scotland, according to a government statement.

Over $12.5 million (GBP 10 million) has already been committed over the first three rounds of the DCF in several locations including Shetland, Kishorn, Aberdeen, Dundee, Leith and Hunterston, the government highlighted. As part of the third round, $6.4 million (GBP 5 million) was made available.

"Industry reports tell us that $19.1 billion (GBP 15.3 billion) is forecast to be spent in the UKCS between 2018-2027, with further market demand beyond this,” Scotland Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse said in a government statement.

“This represents a great opportunity for Scotland’s supply chain and I am delighted to announce this $5 million (GBP 4 million) fund,” he added.

The fourth round of the DCF is open to applications until September 2. The DCF was announced by the first minister on February 8, 2017.

In 2016, Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise launched a decommissioning action plan. In February 2018, in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Scottish Enterprise, the Scottish government commissioned Westwood Energy Group to produce an offshore floating asset decommissioning market study, which explored decommissioning opportunities in the oil and gas sector.
