首页>资讯>石油石化>Aker BP 在 Alvheim油田附近发现石油

Aker BP 在 Alvheim油田附近发现石油

阅读:1469次 日期:2019/07/25

据海上能源7月23日报道,挪威海上油气勘探和开发公司Aker BP在挪威近海北海Alvheim油田附近的442号生产许可区中发现了石油。

25 / 2-21(Liat?rnet)井在Alvheim油田东北约40公里处,斯塔万格西北约200公里处钻探。




该井钻到海面以下1170米的垂直深度,并在渐新世时期(霍达兰集团)的岩石中终止。在深为110米的水域处。 该井现在已被永久堵塞和废弃。

Aker BP使用深海斯塔万格钻机进行操作。该钻机现在将移至挪威海,在生产许可区762中钻探初探井6608 / 6-1,其中Aker BP ASA是运营商。

郝芬 译自 Offshore Energy


Aker BP finds oil near Alvheim field

The Norwegian oil company Aker BP has discovered oil in its production license 442, near the Alvheim field in the North Sea, offshore Norway.

The well 25/2-21 (Liat?rnet) was drilled approximately 40 kilometers northeast of the Alvheim field, and around 200 kilometers northwest of Stavanger.

According to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, the exploration well found an oil column in the primary exploration target of about 28 meters in sand layers with extremely good reservoir quality. The oil/water contact was not encountered. The secondary exploration target consisted of a water-bearing sand layer of about 12 meters, also with extremely good reservoir quality.

The primary and secondary exploration targets for the well were to prove petroleum in reservoir rocks from the Early Miocene period (the Skade formation).

Preliminary estimates indicate the size of the discovery is between 13 and 32 million standard cubic meters (between 81 million – 201 million barrels) of recoverable oil. The flow potential and recovery rate are uncertain and will have to be clarified prior to the preparation of a possible development plan, NPD said.

The well was drilled to a vertical depth of 1170 meters below the sea surface and was terminated in rocks from the Oligocene age (the Hordaland group).Water depth at the site is 110 meters. The well has now been permanently plugged and abandoned.

Aker BP used the Deepsea Stavanger drilling rig for the operation. The rig will now move on to the Norwegian Sea to drill wildcat well 6608/6-1 in production license 762, where Aker BP ASA is the operator.
