

阅读:1480次 日期:2019/07/25

据世界能源新闻7月22日消息,立陶宛液化天然气终端Klaip?dos Nafta (KN)表示,由于国际天然气市场的有利形势决定了液化天然气的最高运行效率,自运行启动以来,该终端的天然气剩余年度产能已被完全预订。燃气年度从当年10月1日到次年9月30日计算。



克莱佩达LNG服务负责人Arūnas Molis表示:“克莱佩达LNG终端的需求取决于国际市场的有利形势。再气化液化天然气经过几个月的招标,最终以高价击败了通过远程长距离管道进口的天然气,因此,有大量来源的进口商利用了这一新兴机遇。6月是终端使用最密集的月份,这大大决定了再气化指标的增长。”

6月,液化天然气终端的运行范围达到了创纪录的水平:大约2.4 太瓦时的天然气被再气化并提交给天然气输送系统,这大约相当于波罗的海三国在第一个夏季月份消耗的天然气总量。相比之下,今年6月的再气化量比去年6月高出近200%,当时共进行了0.8 太瓦时的天然气再气化。



裘寅 编译自 世界能源新闻


Klaipeda LNG in Full Capacity

Lithuania's liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal Klaip?dos Nafta (KN) said that its terminal capacities are now fully booked for the rest of the Gas Year, following the favorable situation in the international gas markets that has been determining the highest operative efficiency of the LNG terminal since the launch of its activities.The Gas Year is calculated from 1 October of the current year until 30 September of the following year.

According to a press note from the operator of the Klaip?da Oil Terminal based in Klaip?da, Lithuania, in April, about 1.48 TWh of gas were regasified in the LNG terminal (28.3% more than the amount of gas regasified in the same period last year), and in May, a total of 1.75 TWh of gas were regasified (21% more than in the last year’s May).

The LNG terminal operator said that June was even more efficient for the terminal: it accepted 2 big gas carriers with 278 thousand m3 of LNG and 3 small gas carriers with 28.5 thousand m3 of LNG. Since the beginning of this year, Klaip?da LNG terminal has accepted 23 gas carriers for various LNG reloading operations.

“The demand of Klaip?da LNG terminal is determined by the favourable situation in the international markets. It has been several months that the regasified LNG outbids the gas imported via remote long-distance pipelines, therefore, the importers having access to a great number of sources use the emerging opportunities. June was the most intensive month in terms of the use of the terminal, what considerably determined the growth of the regasification indicators,” says Arūnas Molis, head of Klaip?da LNG Service of KN, the operator of oil products and liquefied natural gas terminals.

In June, the LNG terminal reached its record scope of activities: about 2.4 TWh of natural gas were regasified and submitted to the natural gas transmission system, which is approximately the same as the total amount of gas during the first summer month consumed in all the three Baltic States. In comparison, in June this year the regasification amount was almost 200% higher than in June last year, when a total of 0.8 TWh of gas were regasified.

In July, the terminal is planning to accept 4 gas carriers: 2 big gas carriers and 2 small gas carries. Repair works are planning to perform of the gas transmission point from Belarus to Lithuania, which are scheduled for the three weeks of July. Therefore, during these three weeks, the gas to Lithuanian consumers will be submitted only from Klaip?da LNG terminal.

In July, the world’s largest LNG feeder and bunker vessel Kairos will arrive to Klaip?da. As of 30 September, 10% of the shares of the vessel held by KN under the contract of affreightment will be transferred to a German company “Nauticor” under the agreement concluded at the beginning of April.
