首页>资讯>石油石化>埃尼启动Coral Sul FLNG设施船体安装工程

埃尼启动Coral Sul FLNG设施船体安装工程

阅读:1465次 日期:2019/07/25

据世界天然气网站7月22日消息 意大利能源巨头埃尼公司已开始在将停泊在莫桑比克近海的Coral Sul浮式液化天然气(FLNG)处理和液化设施的船体安装工程。



完成后,Coral Sul浮式液化天然气设施的天然气液化能力将达到340万吨/年。该设施将通过20根总重量为9000吨的系泊缆锚定在约2000米的水深处。

Coral Sul浮式液化天然气设施的施工工程始于2018年,目前正在七个运营中心进行。




Saipem 12000钻机将于2020年底完成这些钻探活动。

吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Eni begins Coral Sul FLNG hull installation works

Italian energy giant Eni has started installation works on the hull of the Coral Sul floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) treatment and liquefaction unit that will be moored offshore in Mozambique.

The unit is part of the Coral South project, which will put in production 450 billion cubic meters of gas from the giant Coral reservoir, Eni said in a statement on Monday.

The hull is expected to be launched in 2020, in line with the planned production startup of the Coral South project in 2022.

The Coral Sul FLNG facility will have a gas liquefaction capacity of 3.4 million tons per year when completed. The facility will be anchored at a water depth of around 2,000 meters by means of 20 mooring lines that weigh a combined 9,000 tons.

Construction works on the Coral Sul FLNG started in 2018 and are ongoing in seven operational centers.

Construction of the mooring turret began in March; construction of the hull’s 24 modules that contain the LNG storage tanks and sections of the treatment facilities began in September. Construction of the topside, consisting of 12 gas treatment and LNG modules, started last November, along with the living-quarters.

By the end of 2019, the overall progress of the project is expected to exceed 60 percent completion, Eni said.

Drilling and completion activities for the six subsea wells that will feed the liquefaction unit will begin in September 2019. The wells will have an average depth of approximately 3000 meters and will be drilled in about 2000 meters of water depth.

The activities, carried out by the Saipem 12000 drilling rig, will be completed by the end of 2020.

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